Aaron and Geno's Show

11  2016-05-17 by Skelliot

I thought the two shows they did while Ant was away were funny as hell.

I think Gavin's and Pat's shows were the best during the rehab, But the shows that Aaron and Geno did were definitely a close second. The pace of their show was perfect and it was a steady stream of funny.

Where's the love?


The next O&A for sure.

I didn't find them enjoyable at all. Honestly, would have ranked in bottom 5 shows during rehab. I like Geno he is a funny guy, but I don't find them to be a compelling replacement to LoS

They'll do great.

Decent potential, I'm willing to give it a shot.

Sure to be better than Finer Things.

I'd enjoy a comedy podcast with a touch of degenerate gambling talk