What's the deal with millennials??

0  2016-05-13 by JoeCumiaSr

At work this morning I was talking about this table I built and a millennial was just looking at her phone and not listening. Anyone else have to put up with this shit at work?


maybe it's just because you were talking about building a fucking table, who gives a shit

I don't think it's a bold statement to imply that women of any age are bored to tears by table building talk.

Yea they don't mind sitting at them or eating off them do they?

Wanna hear how keyboards and computers are made? Or would you rather just use them.

This young generation of millennials can't build shit and should be more respectful when someone is talking that's all.

Get this shit out of here. You got ignored at work in a boring conversation, and you come to reddit to try to make a discussion about it. Clean it up bra!

I was at work today and this weird older guy nobody really likes came up to me and started talking about some table or something that he was building. It was super weird, so I just pretended to get a text from someone and thought he'd go away, but he just kept talking. Finally I said I was busy and he just walked off muttering something like "just wait until reddit hears about this shit." Weird morning.

You're a liar. Girls always have someone to text.

I was texting my much older boyfriend trying to help him remember where he lost his gun

Millenials are faggots.

I don't know why this is getting downvoted. It seems like something that would be relatable to Compound media fans.

those dern kids with their face in that telephone not interested in table building.

No I experience this fucking bullshit with people all the time. I want to smash their face into the nearest surface when this happens to me. Fucking cunty pieces of shit sheep twats :)

Why were you trying to push archaic ideas of gender roles on to this young woman? Did you ever stop to think how invasive and triggering that could be?

So now only men can build tables? Ugh...I hope she reported you to HR and you're given some sort of sensitivity training on the role of the patriarchy and how women WERE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO BUILD TABLES JUST TWO DECADES AGO!

Think about THAT for a while, jerk.


Lol @ people taking this seriously

/u/RubbinMeBunions has been pm'ing me asking me to loan him money.

How clever you are.