The Anthony Cumia Show - Episode 361 - Listening Thread (5/12/16)

0  2016-05-12 by EskimoEscrow


If I have to see this Sicilian Vampire Shit one more time...

It makes me wish the dick cream guy was back on the show... Hope they got a boatload of money for running those ads

I like Joe Matarese very much.

Really solid show today. It never jumped out at me before but Joe and Ant have some chemistry.

will this guy ...just STFU omgggggggg


No guest today

Are you sure? They are advertising Joe Matarese

Oh sorry. I was told they kept it open for the day. This must be a last minute booking.

It's all good, they tweeted about 5 or 10 minutes into the show.

Joe Matarese

he a gud boi

Weird just saw an article earlier that Obama is not apologizing?

Anthony is back on track after two rusty shows.

Well at least since he rehabbed he's taken the show in a new fresh direction..First time I've heard the liberals are ruining the country angle. Maybe he'll address it again in future episodes as well. It's very entertaining

Joe for regular co-host.