the r/OnA sub is overrun with libtards

0  2016-05-09 by late_50s_why

need i say more?


The only thing as annoying as a libtard is a cuckservative.

Not many trump supporters in that fag sub

what can we expect from buncha beanie voters there, plus the fact that they watch louis ck and inside amy means they are triple fagturds

We talked about this in TACS III

just trying to have an open and honest discussion here, there clearly is a huge problem in that community

Your a faggot and a bitch. Clearly.

Yeah, that sub isn't really committed to smashing the libtard sjw pc white guilt mainstream agenda. I'm almost certain they came from jezebel or people from jezebel bought existing accounts to overrun the sub. Where is out safe space?

Lol you're a fruit.

You are being nigger again, nigger

I don't agree with the use of that word but I'll defending your right to do so.

Do you draft and edit reddit posts dummy? How did you end up with that abomination of a sentence? "but I'll defending your right to do so"

LOL get fucked faggot.

Typical smug libtard. Feel the Bern, cuck

I think it's more the "" part than the /r/OnA part