Nana's merch is fucking humiliating. For only 22$ plus shipping and handling, you can let everyone know you take it up the ass.

1  2019-09-20 by Snake_____86


They still got Gavin shirts. I guess the AA show merch "sold out."

No they gave boxes and boxes to the homeless as a goof. Now there’s bums with AA shirts everywhere

I guess we can take solace from the fact a lot used them for shit rags.

No thanks, Landau. I don't fancy the idea of marrying a manatee.

In case anybody want this tees

What the H, they've sold 15 of those fuckers?

He has vitiligo.

Why would I buy this when I can just write "faggot nobody douchebag" on a shirt myself?

Joe gives that knowledge for free

Did they license the photo they photoshopped the cow fucker’s face on?

You'd have better luck writing I hate niggers on a sandwich board and walking through Harlem in 1995.