Opie super annoying when Vos in studio?

0  2012-09-14 by opiesucks

anyone else agree? Opie thinks he's so much more intelligent than Vos and trys soooooo hard to 'make his point' but when Vos makes a good point, the 'Opster' instantly panics and changes his story.

Reddit.... comment?


"if you'd shut up we got a bit here" (gay-care? thats fucking hilarious op.)

then he tried to tell him about comedy cause opie is the expert on it. AND he spoke for louis ck and who he doesn't like, what a cocky piece of shit.

We get it, you don't like opie. Enough.

You know what, you suck.

promote the brand young soldier.

is this Opie? sounds like the type of reply he would give and then brag about it on the show.

'looks like we have a dummy" ... yuck, what a idiot.

I like Opie. I really don't understand why/how he gets so much hate on this sub.

No, it's just Vos.

I prefer Opie and Bawby over Opie and Vos.

I prefer Bawby and Vos over dump Opie.