I am soooo sick of it.

7  2012-09-10 by iheartdna


This is not how this meme works.

Image Macro.

The two are not mutually exclusive.


If only that were true. I really do need to lose weight.



Can't stand a radio show.
Listen anyway.

OP rips off ears from listening to Ant's Rant

Makes Candy dishes


No, I frequently turn an episode off because of Anthony's insanity. That's more so the format for a Insanity Wolf meme though.

tss meme more like fuck youyou or somethin. ya meme stinks

politics are fucking boring especially in a comedy show

every anthony political rant segment sounds exactly the same

If he was even remotely objective and didn't slant every argument and ignore the mountain of facts then it might be interesting. Aww mr multimillionaire doesn't want to pay any more taxes..... If he was still a tin knocker it would be the total opposite, he would love Obama

I don't know about that, there are plenty of poor conservatives and Ant has stated before that he had a very similar political ideology back when he was knocking tin. I think the issue is that he's one of those people who treats left and right like they're football teams and doesn't really look at things objectively.


And I can't say that I wouldn't think the same. What sickens me is that his ranting and raving with the use of strawman arguments along with false information are changing the minds of the Average Joe out there that doesn't make millions. They're putting themselves on the chopping block just to save Anthony some money.


You sound like 150 years ago you would have said, "Aww, Mr nigger doesn't want to pick any more cotton..."

wtf are you retarded ? how did anything i said give you half an idea bout my views ? 150 years ago i woulda smacked yer parents for raising a dickhead

I always find it funny how he says he researches both sides of the argument by checking out MSNBC as well as Fox News, but all he talks about is Fox News rhetoric. Like the whole Obama removing work requirement from welfare.

Have to admit though, it's entertaining to see him be so wrong and Opie just eggs him on.

I wish Opie just egged him on, but opie's nihilism in face of his multi-million dollar contract makes me think opie is complict. Opie and Ant both just want as much money for themselves, but they don't realize that a stronger economy means people have more money for a disposable income, which means more subscribers; so only focusing on making sure rich people get what they want is counter productive for.. everyone!

Actually, I'm pretty positive that Opie is voting for Obama. He sees how the Republicans are and it annoys the hell out of him just like Jimmy. He just keeps it quiet because he knows that having Ant rant like a crazy person is good for the show.

Obama issued an order on July 12th allowing states to waive work requirements from welfare. Anthony is usually spot on with politics. Go ahead, downvote away.

Yeah... no. He issued an order allowing states to implement their own version of the Welfare to Work requirements. It was because states might be less efficient because they're striving to maintain federal standards that may not make sense in their case. They have to come up with an alternate plan that must be approved if they don't wish to follow the federal plan. In some absurd and unlikely scenario, the state could say they want to entirely waive the requirement and the federal government could go "Okay." but it's probably not going to happen and saying Obama waived the requirement is extremely misleading.

It's like if Obama passed a law saying states could set their own standards for dealing with punishment of criminals after being approved by the federal government then you interpret that as "Obama approves crushing to death by elephants as a valid form of execution."

And a downvote for you for listening to the Fox News BS and taking it as truth, and upvote for captmonkey.

"Fox News Fox News Fox News"

Yea, I'm the one with the talking points... Right... Go back to /r/politics dipshit.

It's kinda annoying having to read wackbag every morning to find where the political rant stops and the funny begins.

I feel bad for him it's kind of sad if you look at his twitter he is constantly arguing with people about this shit. It's like this is all he thinks about 24/7. Well that and 16 year old white bitches.

Compared to 2008, he's being incredibly subtle.

My biggest gripes are he isn't objective and clearly this is all about him wanting to pay less taxes. I understand he came from nothing and made something of himself so when he has very little sympathy for other people I can see where he's coming from even if I don't feel the same way.

Haven't listened since the Chicago show because I got so tired of it... And I used to listen every single day. Other than Jocktober I probably won't listen again until the day after the election just to hear him scream about Obama winning again.

im so mad i just had to make a meme about it, thatll show em.. tss

i know right! I have to unsubscribe from ants twitter leading up elections. I always resubscribe later but I just can't handle when he goes into 24/7 mode. Like someone else said, just use wackbag to find out where the politics stops and start listening from there. They would be the first to say if you don't like what you hear, change the channel.

wrong meme, retard

:( it's called "special"

Why don't you guys go listen to Marc Maron if his politics are that upsetting? Oh yea, because Ant is actually funny!

I hate Marc Sharon.

Eat a bullet.

OP is a nigger enabler.

TIL OP is an old woman wearing a hat indoors

OP likes old women in college.

lol'd. nice one hank.

OPie sucks.


OP rips off ears from listening to Ant's Rant

Makes Candy dishes

OP likes old women in college.

lol'd. nice one hank.

TIL OP is an old woman wearing a hat indoors

OPie sucks.

wtf are you retarded ? how did anything i said give you half an idea bout my views ? 150 years ago i woulda smacked yer parents for raising a dickhead
