Anyone else find Opie super annoying after 5 days of no O&A?

0  2012-09-04 by opiesucks

With the slight O&A drought.... I almost forgot how much Opie sucks until this morning when i heard him speak. Anyone else feel the same?


You really need to get off Opie's dick. Why are you so obsessed with another guy? You kinda come off as a little bitch. Maybe this is just not the show for you?

hahahahahahahaha silly boy. I still love 2/3 of the show. Just cant stand that dolt. It makes me feel better knowing others out there agree that dump opie sucks.

ja' feel?

Opie was awesome during the fight

actually - yes... me too :(

Had the same exact thought process this morning actually. Wow - creepy.

Nah. After a week off I'm happy to hear him.

opie ruins everything