Thanks Tuvor, DAE catch Jimmy's atrocious "knees" joke @ 2:21:00? I was waiting for them to go back and give him a beating but everyone missed it :(

11  2012-08-29 by TheOtherMLK


That joke was so bad it literally took me 10 seconds to figure out that he was making a knees/niece pun. He should be thrown down an elevator shaft for not saying that in Chip's voice.


I think that one was so bad he couldn't even imagine Chip saying it.

Chippah's fucking funny cocksucka.

Fuckin Double Guns Chippah!

Lol this is up there with the leaf garret bomb..

The leaf garret bomb made my heart stop when I heard it. The precise manner in which he says it is too much.

This reminds me of his scalper bomb. Can't find a youtube clip of it for some reason.

You mean the carpet bombing video? (

Or did he make a joke about scalpers?

Opie was talking about ticket scalpers and Jim said "That's not nice they're called native americans now." No one caught it so Jim spoke up then fat boy replayed it.

I paraphrased what Jim said as I can't find the exact clip. This happened within the last year I'm pretty sure. The carpet bomb clips are fantastic as well. There was another stealth bomb where Opie is talking about a bat flying around his house and Jim said to put it with his glove and ball.

I listen the this one frequently. Always makes me a little sad, but at the same time, lattice saying " did you really say that horseshit!?" Was a huge laugh for me.

nice catch, it made me laugh