When a new GTAV screenshot comes out, O&A fans know which pothead Lazow lackey is responsible

14  2012-08-24 by harriswill


Than looks like a russian amish person.

Than looks a lot different then he did when he worked for O&A. I bet he dosen't regret leaving the O&A show at all. He looks happy

He gave up getting up everyday at 3 AM to play video games for a living.

Of fucking course he doesnt regret this decision.

Well he didn't go straight from O&A to Rockstar. He left O&A to try and become a standup comedian. I'm guessing that didn't work.

Good point, i was just referring to his hindsight. Basically agreeing with what you were saying.

Just a terrible beard.

Oh that's a beard? I thought this was a pic of Than's scrotum.

Its fucking sams hair on his chin

he's looking real Tom greenish

Yep! Good on you, Than! Can't wait for GTA5.

Well he didn't go straight from O&A to Rockstar. He left O&A to try and become a standup comedian. I'm guessing that didn't work.