CHANGE UP: things we like about the Gregg "Opie" Hughes

8  2012-08-23 by opiesucks

this is the place to post all the positives about Opie. begin.....


I liked when he threw the poker chips. Also, he is dashing.

When he cut the Sandy's guitar strings that was the best thing that ever happened.

i think the Nopie days are the best thing that ever happens.

I know. We get it.


Recently I thought the Rob's pool party bit was great! He kept prodding him and prodding him until it just got too crazy scary and he himself had to tap out!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE when he picks on management. I can't tell you enough how much those asshats sound exactly like every middle management I have at my office. We have the "I got it, I got it" guy. We have people who simply don't have the "skillset" to run a technology company. My boss is a babysitter. We have nobody with vision and direction or an ounce of creativity. They have created an environment so devoid of talent and inspiration that it hurts.

I like when he pops out of character. So few radio shows would even admit their real name let alone say something honest for once. When he realized they were picking on his college buddy for Jocktober you could feel him finally get uncomfortable.

I thought his Occupy videos were great! They showed a side of things that both the Occupy people and the big news media (both the liberal and fox sides) didn't want to show.

ya, on one hand I can understand someone saying "oh God, SHUT UP. You have it so good". But really, what employee hasn't sat at their desk, or been on their job, cursing management bc they couldn't have a day off that they wanted, or they feel other co-workers are getting preferential treatment?

who gives a fuck how many millions you have if you're in a prison with assholes? Gotta have your vacation days.

fuck dumb opie. because this hack threw a poker chip and 'moves things along' now everyone thinks its funny and 'great radio' for a millionaire to bitch about his boss. fuck that noise. shit is bad radio.

you're disturbed. Perhaps he should sit there and bitch about "millionaire problems"...oh wait, nope...because then you'd complain he's out of touch with his fans.

TL;DR: you like to bitch.

The management talk is polarizing, half hate it, half love it.

I personally love it because i can relate to it. The corporate side of a business is always disconnected from the "talent" side.

yea, its tough having a job and follow rules in order to get paid. i guess that isnt 'shocking' enough for dump opie. the management talk comes across like they have vaginas. opie having the biggest one, next norton. ant rules, Opie sucks.

yea, really moved the show along that ep. boo.

Actually if you listen to it, it was Jimmy that kept it going. Opie tried to stop it. Jimmy said "fuck the people complaining". So uh, yeah... Good luck with your hating.

I like that he knows how to keep the show paced and moving forward.

Also like the "V" he had a while back.

Dat V.

fuck that V. V for Vag.

oh look, another pace moving comment. all you dump opie fans really notice it that much and appreciate it? you really all listen and think... 'hmmmm, Cumia is making me laugh too much, i need a break and possible listen to something unfunny. opie.. help me out.' if so, Opie is your savior.

So you're starting a 'positive things about Opie' thread, just to shit on every positive thing someone says about Opie?

Nice change up.

YUP! that was the plan all along. You opie dick suckers fell for it. Ah jeezus Ohnosharks, the thread was started by a guy named 'OpieSucks'.

Have you heard the show when opie is gone? It has almost zero focus and while thats a nice change of pace here and there, hardly any topics get discussed. For example when it was just ant, jim, colin, and voss they literally spend 3 hours just ripping on each other without getting into any real topics. Sure it was a great show but I also like when they rip on everyday news and move on to different topics which opie does very well.

thats what guys do!

"mean opie" was goddamn hilarious, brotherman

"douche opie"

Are you suggesting we raise a generation of Super Opies?


I'm going to like when he loses the thousand dollar bet with intern Rob.

and his contract. cant wait for Nopie forever.


Just wait till November, we'll get angry Ant back (assuming the show is still around).

hopefully the Ant is still around... all while dumb old opie raises his kids away from my ears.

he's been seeing a shrink and he hinted his wife had enough of the shit a while back.

you think while opie talks to the shrink about his shit childhood, the shrink 'moves things along' during his session?

hopefully he or she "breaks it down" and doesn't just "howl and howl" at him.

or constantly tell him that they've been doing psychology since they were 18.

you should get back to what you used to fell, cause its spot on. i'm still disgusted by dump Opie. i'm constantly muttering 'fuckin' Opie' but a chuckle is no where around. its usually after he opens his mouth and 'moves the show along'.



I liked it when he compared intern Robs perfect family with his mothers crazy shenanigans I guess.

nah, that was dumb. he sucks.

I think he 'gets it.'. He knows what makes for good radio, knows when to lay back and when to push on. He's kind of more a behind the scenes genius than he lets on. Given the chance to hang with O or A, would probably give O a shot, even though I would probably bore the shit out of him.

Without him the show would be a 4 hour daily YKWD podcast with Jim Norton & Anthony Cumia, which is ions better than YKWD.

sounds great. i would love a daily 4 hours 'lol-fest.' instead i have some chuckles plucked out of shitty shitty kid talk and twitter plugs. but hey, the show moves on.

if by gets it, you mean doesn't. he's the closet thing to a girl on the show. how can you be around the funniest people for 15 years and not have one bit of funny rub off on you? if you hung with dumb opie, it would be him telling you about his kid or twitter. all while eating shitty blueberries. you picked wrong member to hang DBTO.

Ah, but he has you fooled as well! And I LIKE shitty blueberries, ad talk of other peoples kids, and throw in several hundred photos of sunsets- a perfect bro date, if you ask me. Only way it could get better is if I painstakingly made a gift for him, so I could watch him hurl it at the wall and smash into a million pieces....oh the thought gives me wood.

I like it when he stirs the shit. Like recently when he said Erock used to save/steal/copy Opie's cell phone pictures or when he just happened to mention that erock was touching his sister's leg.

eRocks is Opies crutch. without eRock, opie would suck harder. now i know thats hard to imagine... but just pretend eRock wasn't there... all opie could do was move the show along better, cause thats what everyone wants out of their radio entertainment. movement. not content. movement.

Or he would just socialize with another staff member. Probably Sam who would be called out on his weird, childish, antics.

If you are a grown man and interested in wrestling you should have your throat slit.

He keeps the conversation fresh. I love Jim and Ant, but I don't want to listen to them argue about Spaceballs and The Three Stooges for over an hour.

yea, nothing like a 2.5 hour long fresh conversation about the fucking interns pool party. and just for good measure, he covered it more the next ep. super fresh alright.

It was fresh because they kept uncovering new things as they went. They didn't keep reiterating the same crap over and over.

I actually think the only good thing Opie has ever done is hitch his wagon to the American hero Anthony Cumia.

can't disagree with that.

He "discovered" the talent that is Anthony Cumia.

best thing he's ever done. he knows he sucks and needed to find an outstanding counterpart. remember the on-air fight? once he got the legend pissed, he knew he done goof'd.

I love mad opie.

more like 'douche' opie.

He's the one without any major flaws (ladyboys or alcoholism)

Minus the whole anger issues thing, right? :-)

and the lack of humor, and the constant need for attention, and his constant bitching about management, and his shitty story about his kids and comparing moments of the show to him being a good father, and the way he steals sayings from Jimmy, and the way.......

I think you're in the wrong thread.

i started the thread just to do this!

Doesn't 4th grade start this week? Shouldn't you be back in school not online?

In Norton's AMA he mentioned that he really needs to be liked.

he might have the less flaws outside the show.. but during the show... too may flaws to count on 2 hands. he sucks.

IMO, he's always real. You may not always like what he's saying/doing, but I never feel like he's being phoney. Also, I truly do believe his #1 priority is always doing it "fo the show". You may think what he's doing is shit, or he's terrible at it, but that's a different story. Honestly, it's a little idealistic to think you can listen to a few guys talk, and give their opinions for 20 hours every week and not have them do some shit that bothers/annoys you.

its ashame he isn't phoney because that means gregg 'opie' hughes is legitimately unfunny and oblivious to anything humor related. what he does is shit and he is terrible at it.

I like that if I were to have one of them as my actual friend he'd probably be the most normal

You have to love his honesty. It's brutal but true honesty is rarely pain-free.

When you really look at the show, Opie is the mastermind behind making sure topics/content are delivered ..and not just random stuff.. good stuff. He also knows when to take a back seat and let Jimmy or Ant drive (usually with guests). I love that he has genuine feel good moments and truly appreciates the little things in life.. okay, now I sound like a 'mo. Plus, he has a great "V"

I do enjoy a good opie the destroyer bit. Also love when he hangs up on people simple an mean. Oh and can't forget about the piscapoe silent game had me almost crying.

who wants to start?... cause it aint gonna be me lol

Hyuck hyuck hyuck

i hear a lot of crickets in here......

Just fucking blow the guy already.

Nobody gets this upset unless they're deeply emotionally involved.

You're like an ex-girlfriend, just admit you want to blow Opie to your therapist, and maybe you can move on with your life.

and the lack of humor, and the constant need for attention, and his constant bitching about management, and his shitty story about his kids and comparing moments of the show to him being a good father, and the way he steals sayings from Jimmy, and the way.......