Happens to me every day.

29  2012-08-23 by QballDude


Take us to break fatty!

My day is scheduled in such a way that I frequently hear the exact same 30 minutes on my way to and from work. So goddamn annoying.

same - and it's infuriating. I could essentially listen to a good hour and a half of their entire show, but instead it's the same 45 minutes i heard in the morning.

I curse every single time at 430pm on my way home and yell that they should start the replay a fucking hour earlier or later.

I'm in the exact same boat.

Greggtonyandjim.blogspot.ca Commercial free, updated at 10am.

That's awesome. Thanks!!

Or the app will crash...

Or two hours of that asshole intern and his lies or making fun of erock.

Your meme is bad....And you should feel bad