fantasy O&A staff show thread

0  2012-08-21 by opiesucks

who would your ideal staff be to listen to on a daily basis....



Add Colin in and we are truly living the dream.

+Bill Burr

+Use a time machine to make it 2009, yet they talk about the events of today

Be careful - if there are more than 5 in studio it becomes a slamfest which might be great if they didn't spend the whole show stepping on each other. Sounds like they're having a blast but hard to listen to.

dream team.

Bill Burr.

When he was third mic (during Jimmy's time filming Lucky Louie) he was terrific.

Not to say he's better than Jimmy - they're two different guys & Jimmy brings so much to the show. But any day with Bill Burr on a phoner - or better, in-studio - is a good day.


On-air: Anthony, Jimmy, Patrice

BTS: Steve, Psycho Mark, Than, Sam, Erock, Stinky

Interns: David, Francine


aka golden buns

Jimmy, Ant, Patrice, Louis CK, Charlie the Homeless guy.

Opie, Bobo, Sam, Sandy Kane.

Fine, fine. Gallagher as an often-recurring friend of the show. Leave the "magic" to David & Bobo.


And no one has listed Opie.

Multiple clones of Spaz fulfilling all staff duties, with Jimmy and Ant doing the whole show near an urn full of Op's ashes.

damn this is tough....

Ant, Jimmy, Bawby, Burr.

theronin23 hit a FUCKIN HOME RUN on this one: BTS: Steve, Psycho Mark, Than, Sam, Erock, Stinky

If we could include Ronnie B in this since he has done a few shows I'd def take him as well.

David & Bobo, Gallagher as third mic.


Ant, Ron, Jimmy Sam and East side Dave on after show

behind the scenes : Steve C, Travis, Erock, Than

Have Patrice, Colin, Burr, Vos, Derosa, on at least once a week

Intern David with Ted Schekler. All day, every day.

Opie & Anthony, Louis CK, Bill Burr, Jay Mohr Calls in.

Opie & Anthony, Colin, Louis, Bill Burr.

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I would just like Opie, Anthony and Norton just bullshitting. Maybe a comedian guest. Fuck the celb guests and the shitty callers. Stay away from politics and nonstop black people talk. Also we can do without the producers taking the mic all the time like they are the host of the show. I happen to like Sam but we don't need to hear him all the time.

Agreed.i personally hate when they announce an A lister will be on

Every once in a while they get a good A level guest in but most of the time the people are just plugging something I think most of the audience has no interest in.

Danny googling(but not talking) DR gay on the sound board

On Mic: Ant - Politics & Tween porking | Jim - Comedy & Trannies | Sam - Wrestling & Pop Culture | Travis - Sports & Music | Roland - Food & Bruuuuuuuuce