How has being an O&A fan affected you?

11  2012-08-20 by harriswill

I've been listening to every show for almost 3 years now:

Tonight I was texting my girlfriend about the salmon she bought today. She says we may have to eat it on Tuesday instead of Wednesday because it's gonna go bad. To which I reply, "Don't worry, I'm used to smelling bad fish."

Something I probably wouldn't have thought to say before listening to the great Jim Norton.

I also need to say cunt/cunts/cunty every 12 words, and I hate publicists though I never met one.

Joe Rogan talks about how fans come up and tell him that their lives dramatically got better listening to JRE, how has O&A degraded your existence.


The word "Cunt" is being increased in my vocabulary by 300%.

came here to say this.....after about a year I finally have the skills to at least partially defend my use of "cunt" but damn, some people really hate it.

I work in radio and am 25. I feel like if I didn't discover O&A I would still have an ounce of hope in this godforsaken industry. Fuck you, it's still better than your shit job. And I will say, Jocktober has taught me more than broadcasting school ever could have.

I've become an insufferable prick to people I profess to care about.

Fucking chip at every opportunity.

Every bad pun becomes a Chip joke.

I'm currently annoying with my gf with "COOO-KIE CUTTER"

I'm also known to say "the day we spilled the paint" at odd times.

Everything I drive by a subdivision (which is often), I have to mention that the houses are so COOO-KIE CUTTER!

I've been listening since about 2004. It has turned me into a cynical asshole. I hate most things. Also, I feel like I may have become slightly racist.

Anytime i see a minority do something bad all i think about is


Ant has allowed me to come to terms with my racist attitudes.

The show definitely introduced me to a lot of stand-ups that I probably would have never heard of before. Before O&A on XM, I kept it on XM Comedy. I never heard Bill Burr or Jim Norton or Bob Kelly. It was always Carlos Mencia and the Blue Collar Comedy guys. O&A brought a breath of fresh air into my comedy-listening-to life.

I get the urge to say "What's that?" whenever I hear the word chip, and sometimes I'll just walk around going "tss" and pulling a chip-type face when I'm alone in the house.

It has made my sense of humor shitty. As in I find thing funny in horrific events. I get a lot of weird looks. Also say cunt a lot more. And like other people I act like fucking chip when I'm alone.

I care a lot more about politics. The way they break things down encourages me to do my own research on topics they bring up.

I also CAN'T watch the normal News... it drives me absolutely insane to listen to their awful jokes, voices, and censorship.

Mostly I've noticed a lot more things that they've pointed out. I think the world would be a better place if more people listened to O&A.

I have to laugh when I meet a man with a girls name. I call people messes all the time. And I have no time for terrestrial radio.

I think I got all of you beat. If it weren't for O&A, I wouldn't be a meme.

This is me. The hand symbol that I'm making is symbolic of an O&A message board war that was happening at the time, and means "Down With Wackbag". If you can't see it, I'm also wearing one of the original XM Pest shirts. Had I never listened to O&A, I would have never taken this picture, it would have never been stolen from my myspace and turned into a demotivator, it would have never made it to the top of google images when you search fat emo, Westboro Baptist Church wouldn't have used the very same image in their "God Sent The Shooter" video, another one of my pictures would not have been stolen to make the "It's Simple, We Eat The Batman" picture, and thus, I would not have had a pretty damn successful AMA here at the beginning of the year that has scored me some pretty cool opportunities.

Honestly, I owe a lot to the boys, and unfortunately they'll probably never understand or know just how much me listening to their show has changed my life.

I'm not loy-ing

So you're the real "Fat Emo Kid"?

Yes, yes I am.

Dude, "Yeah, that's right"

Sorry, I hate Bobo outside of the Up/Down game, so I can't really parrot back shit he says. Other than loy-ing, but everyone knows that.

Fat Emo Kid is a fuddy-duddy.

He looks like a young Ron Bennington in the proof picture.

I feel like I'm in a cool club of the chosen few who get it. I'll go to live events & make friends, network, & find common ground. Then my wife will say " omg he listens to the show twice everyday" to some random stranger or person familiar with OnA , & the I feel like a file trader. My wife thinks its cool , but I feel its like a shamefull fightclub. Just being honest. I love all of you guys but am ashamed of myself as well.

I also feel pretty good when some random hand fucker I work with goes...". Did u hear Howard today? He was live and asked this broad to see her cunt". "it was great". Then I feel warm inside.

When I was a senior in HS I was looking in to possibly going to Oswego college (state school in NY). I went up there and took a tour of the school with another group of students, and at the end of the tour the guide asked us if we had any questions. I raised my hand and asked in front of like 15 other people "Do you guys get WNEW up here?" Of course the guide, along with everyone else, had no idea wtf I was asking about but that was really my only concern at the moment.

(this of course was when the guys were on WNEW in NY, way before internet streaming and I'm pretty sure before the shows were available on the net in any form)

I say jiz bucket alot. And I get alot angrier when they talk about the media.

All my pubic hair fell out. :(

I copy everything they do. Frrrrrrruuuuuuunkis

A can't stand awful comedy, and unfunny people that try to be funny.

Hearing about Jimmy's antics about making things awkward and uncomfortable in public has kind of encouraged me to do the same.

Oh and also I've been saying "what happend?"(wah ha puh) since I started listening.

Holy fuck you nailed it with the "woah, wah wah wah-hapun?"

The show reference I've snuck into daily conversations 200 times more than any other.

Where is that originally from anyways?

I think "A Mighty Wind"

Many girlfriends telling me to "shut the fuck chip"

I recently started a new job. As I was meeting/being introduced to people, it took every ounce of strength to not blurt out HELOOOO BILLLL, MIKE!, la-rry, UHHHH you can calls me... etc.

Started listening in 2005.

I say blueburries. I do Chip to everyone, even people who don't know the show. In fact, my speech is peppered with show references all the time. People at work repeat the references I make, even though they don't know what I'm referencing. Things like "What Happened?" and "Perhaps more than that."

As many have said, I say cunt pretty liberally now.

Honestly, although it sounds melodramatic, I figured out who I am partially thanks to the show. Of course, I started listening during late high school and listened all through college, when most people are dealing with the same questions. I have no doubt that if it weren't for the show I'd be a very different person.

They've made me hate things that I'm supposed to like as a 21 year old. Man caves, sports talk radio, bro humor, saying the phrase 'alma mater' - just to name a few.

I use "Would ya?" waaaa-aaay too much. Linger-longer!!!

Im just overall more a piece of shit, haha. Won't stop listening till they die or get taken off the air.

As an Indian guy who moved here a few years back , this show is educating me about America , especially the great Patrice O Neal , the way he broke down white people was amazing. Definitely learned to appreciate honesty in myself and others. Incidentally I loved JRE, thats how I got introduced to O&A , now rarely go back to listen to JRE , O&A has made me despise positivity I suppose.

it's made me hate opie and everything he attempts.

You're being downvoted for this comment but you really shouldn't be. Opie seriously sucks. He's silent during everything funny. He bitches and complains about the same nonsense day after day. They only time he's chatty and not bitching is when he's droning on about sports or if they have a UFC fighter in and Opie repeatedly kisses his ass and tells him what a real man he is. He loves the live events but all he does there, while the show is struggling to make a bit work, is start dumb chants: "HO-LY SHIT! HO-LY SHIT!" Not to mention CONSTANTLY taking phone calls from complete retards. I really hope he leaves the show for good in October.

thank you. he never contributes to anything funny. about the only thing he does is try to get erock to play old bits going into break to waste time cause he's a lazy shit.