DAE have Chip in their head all day long?

19  2012-08-20 by [deleted]

I can't not think "What's that?" every time I hear someone say chip or ship IRL. Or if Jimmy's not in the studio, I totally do the Chip part in my head anyways.


Chip in your head are you a robot or something tss

No, he means like a memory or a thought. A robot would have some kind of computer processor in it's head to control it.

EDIT-Seriously? You haven't heard "misses the joke, over-analyzing" Chip?

That's Jim, not Chip. "Literal Jim"

Hmmm, he does it it the Chip character.

Ive heard him do it. And ant says how he hates literal chip

Or he has like a potato chip in his head or sumpin, I don't know tsss...

Whenever I hear somebody say chip, I'll always think "What's that?".

But I have this in my head a lot too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMtXfaFDlpg


I was expecting "Say, hey, whadya say?, Give me a nickel"

Thanks dick


I took a group of special needs kids to summer camp a couple months ago. They kept asking to play Dodgeball and every time I replied, "Tsss yeah or we could Chevyball or somethin!" The ones that got it were crackin up all over the place! double chromosomes



I will always very softly,but still aloud,say " what's that?" when chip is said

That's better than havin' a chip(whats that) on your shoulder or somethin'.

Homerun muddafucka!

Go to break piggy boy.

I utilize every vocabulary related pun that I can as Chip even when i'm alone watching T.V. which is horrifying.

my brother's name is chip...

What's that?

Every time I hear something that Chip would say, I have to at least play it out in my head. Same goes for Edgar and Ted Sheckler - they're all memorable characters in their own right. And of course, good ol' Uncle Paul.

I'm going camping with a group of friends next weekend. One of them happens to be named Chip, who I haven't hung out with for years. There's gonna be a whole lot of "what's that?" goin on.

You are not alone....