In defense of ‘offensive’ jokes (X-post from /r/StandUpComedy)

24  2012-08-15 by [deleted]


Someone post this in SRS.

Then to troll we all show up in chip form


Tsss I only do Onfensive jokes cause no one gets off easy.

Go to break motherfucker.

Can't say nothin around this fuckin guy!

Go to break, fat boy!

I wish this would gain traction in the greater reddit/facebook/blogosphere. This is an excellent piece. People need to understand that standup is different than "be more funny." My sister and I had a long drawn-out fight about the plausibility of a funny rape joke. She wasn't willing to listen, though she's had occasion to drop horrific holocaust shit on my feet. As far as I'm concerned if it hasn't offended someone it can't be funny. Even Brian Regan's dumb voice could be extrapolated to teasing retards. (the big yellow one is the sun)

And this point ____ Wayans made is so poignant that I teared up:

That silliness expired when one of the Wayans brothers — I forget which, can you blame me? They all look alike… CUZ THEY’RE RELATED, you racists! — got onstage and said: ”So I got $80 in my pocket. Exactly how many ‘niggers’ does that buy me?”


Jeff Ross should give this as a speech with the clips in question being played when referenced. I think if he expanded it, it would make a great show/set. I know O&A did this rant, but Jeff does it so eloquently, sharply, and with great references to back up his points.

This was written by Bill Dawes.

I'm sorry, I had assumed because of the big fucking ugly mug of Jeff Ross plastered over everything it was him. Well, whoever did it has a one man show on their hands.


Tsss I only do Onfensive jokes cause no one gets off easy.

Go to break motherfucker.