Thoughts on Chicago?

7  2012-08-11 by aftonpoften

This was a much better show than the Cleveland show they made in my opinion. I believe everyone was great for once! Ant and Jim are always creative and fun but hell, even Opie came up with some good lines during the show and I'm usually one of those "stick to moderating Ope"-people.

Your thoughts?


Ope making the joke about the chick leaving means 5 more people get to fit in:

Alllll worth it

Just seeing mean opie return for a second was awesome.

I was standing next to her when he said that. She tried to look like it didn't bother her, but she immediately took off when they stopped talking to her. Another lady near us later told me that she was in the bathroom crying for a bit before returning to the crowd.

How big was she?

There may be pics of her floating around; I saw someone on stage aiming cameras at the people talking but I can't recall who (Travis maybe? I think Danny was holding the mic).

I didn't pay close attention at the time to her specifics, but the 5 people comment was just Mean Opie being Mean Opie. I would guess she was maybe 5'3" and 160. Honestly she didn't take up any more floor space than the average pudgy O&A male fan, but looked like she could have been 40ish and wasn't the most attractive dame there - neither of which helped her case.


I thought the songs Jimmy and Ant sung were fucking cringe inducing.. and I didn't really see the point. Also, in the Chip contest when Jim was getting caught up... was pretty surprising. I wish I could have gone, I'm about an hour and a half away from Chicago, but listening to it live was enough I think. I couldn't imagine actually meeting them, and getting made fun of... it'd be like santa clause raping you as a boy. I dunno, why dont you come here and shut up

Ant really is from the 40's by the looks of it.

It was way better! I think the main reason for this is the fact it was less visual. In Cleveland they played cherry darts with hot chicks on stage. While that was probably fun for the live audience, it kind of sucked on the radio. This time they were better prepared.

My favorite live broadcast in the last few years was at the Hard rock - staff standup. Erock was the best!

Cleveland was better

Frank was better

I disagree. The b-b-b-boys seemed looser at this one. And allowing some guy to drink vomit before management could intervene was throwback O&A.

I agree because I was in Cleveland.

It was better. But they actually prepared for this show. The Cleveland show was thrown together with about 3 days planning. However, the live Tweeting from Chicago was disappointing. When they were in Cleveland they (and people attending) tweeted lots of pictures during the show. Then again, hot women vs bad breath... perhaps that's why.

are there any pics/videos of the guy who won the chip contest? He was spot on.

I liked it alot. My favorite part had to be when that graverobbing cunt lost. I was very happy that the crowd booed her for stealing from a dead person. As a wrestling fan, CM Punk being there was also cool.