Mary, kill, fuck. Anthony, opie or Jim.

10  2012-08-08 by Ken_Fresno

My choices were Anthony marry, opie kill, Jim fuck. But after some careful consideration I'd rather give opie a good hatefucking and finally give Jim a good nights sleep. What would you do?


Kill Opie.

I like you

Marry, kill, and fuck ( in that order) Jim.

fuck jimmy, he has given a blowjob or 800 / marry ant, he's rich and has a big house with hot tweens sliding down on it / kill opie, he sucks.

Kill Anthony and take what's left of the fortune. Marry Opie, he doesn't spend his money like a drunken guinea and there's plenty still left. Fuck Jimmy because he never seems to get enough.


Ahhhh youre fucking nutty phil!


I HATE go to break chip... he ruined my run the other day... 30 minute run was about 15 minutes of commercials :(

Hey you mudderfuckers think you're real funny stealin my bits? What is this, Chip'r Mencia or somethin'?

head on over to YouTube.

I listen to it on my computer, but haven't tried downloading it on my phone yet. It's usually not a problem as I just stretch through commercials and go out the door when the break starts.

Thanks for the link though.

fuck anthony, weasel a car or something out of it

marry jim, because he's such a sweet boy

and kill opie, even though i think he's alright

Marry Opie, kill Anthony, fuck Jim.

F - Anthony M - Opie K - Jimmy... I'm sorry, Jimmy!

I think theres a misconception about the boys wealth, Opie is hoarding money.... ant loves to spend.

To answer the topic, F Jimmy, Marry Opie and Ant.... kill chip.

Fuck Ant, Marry Jim, Kill Opie. But a threesome with Jimmy & Ant is my real fantasy.


Marry Ant, Kill opie, fuck jim, fuck jim, fuck jim, monster rain

This is hard because Opie seems to be the only marriable one

Ya but who would you rather "kill", that trumps the marriage spot

I love ant and Jim! So I guess it's who would I rather fuck,and you can't really resist ants hog....sry jimmy!

Wtf dude kill opie marry Jim. Just unacceptable bro gtfo my post.


Well everyone wants to kill opie so I'll say fuck. You know he could have been a model?

Ant won't marry again so I'd have to kill him but I'd choose Jimmy to marry anyway because he is such a sweet boy.

fucking lil jimmy is a high risk sport.

kill opie marry ant fuck jimmy.... DAMNIT!

gotta marry ant for that mansion of his. ofourse you kill opie, this game excluded opie should be killed.

Mary Opie, Fuck Anthony, Kill Jimmy

marry ant, money and booze

fuck jim, we are both pigs

kill opie, sorry op

Marry Jim Norton (he's such a sweet boy) Fuck Opie, because i dont want to touch anthony's horse cock. Kill Anthony, so he can go laugh it up in hell with patrice, carlin, steve and the rest of the gang.

NO. They are NOT in hell. No.

If all those guys are in hell, is it hell anymore?

Cmon now, if there's a hell, Carlin and Patrice would definitely be down there. Carlin hated God more than a 13 year old goth and Patrice was ... well, Patrice. Steve is a big gay bear so we all can assume he's down there too. I'm not saying they're bad people at all. I loved all 3 of them, but since it's almost impossible be funny AND moral, you just gotta assume it. But there's no god anyway and if there is a hell (there isnt), i would warmly welcome a hell with those guys in it. I could assume we all would.

how gay are you!

anyway; i would marry Anthony, kill him and inherit all his shit and money. compound included.

I would then fuck yimmy in exchange for using MY compound as a museum for his shitty signed memorabilia.

and opie can go fuck himself.