I Just saw Joe Derosa tonight and he killed...Who have you guys seen live?

27  2012-07-29 by Sirtroz

Vos also showed up for a surprise guest spot and was amazing. I've seen him before but he was even better tonight. I'm still bummed I missed out on Patrice to this day.


I saw Patrice at Caroline's. He was really funny, but he got bored. He ended the show by giving the funny sex moves (aka the "walrus", where your blow in a girl's mouth, then punch her in the stomach so your sperm ends up hanging out of her nostrils like a walrus' tusk, things like that) He eventually sat there letting the audience teach him new ones. Good times.

Saw Jimmy at the Cellar fine-tuning his routine for the a tonight Show with Leno. It was the bit about the fat secretary that had braces.

Saw Vos at Bananas. While the routine was really funny, I wound up getting really pissed at him. I had taken a fellow OA fan and a couple people who never heard him before. After the show, the two "noobs" we're I pressed enough with him to buy the CD he was hawking in the lobby for $10. They figured they would like to hear more of his stuff during the hour drive home. But the entire CD was the same goddman routine he just did. Including the crowd work, insults, EVERYTHING. Only worse.... Since he had obviously recorded the CD well before the show we watched, he had refined it considerably since then, so we spent $10 on a CD to listen to a fucking rough draft of the shit we had just heard. How fucked up is that shit?

Saw Louis CK at Bananas. He killed, but it was just a week before Louis premiered. All those stand up bits to start each episode of season 1? Yep. Oy.

Saw Brian Regan, and had to sell tickets to Bill Burr because an had to go to a wake :(

Vos did all new material tonight, it was a test run. fucking great, high energy.

EXACT same thing happened to me. I've listened to Vos on the show for years and had a chance to see him a few weeks back at Goodnights in Raleigh. He killed. So much so that I bought one of his CD"s after and, good lord, it was COMPLETELY the show. It particularly annoyed me because the crowd work was the same. Ugh.

How long ago was that Patrice show? He did that at Caroline's for a show I was at, and also made fun of me for a half hour...about 6 years ago

6 years ago seems about right, although I don't recall him picking on anyone for more than a couple minutes

he ripped me for being there with an ex gf, and called me a gotti boy Abercrombie faggot on the basis that I had a sweater with a button shirt under it. I was sitting in front and he kept coming back to me, but yea same show it was awesome

I always sit in the back!!

sometimes there is no choice

Bil Burr, Louie CK and Doug Stanhope. All were great.

Seen Jimmy, i'll be honest, not a big fan of his standup, though he's brilliant on the radio(if that makes sense). Saw Patrice in Philly, amazing. Saw Louis in SF and was one of the best shows ever. Also recently saw Patton Oswalt (idk if he counts) but he was awesome.


I saw Patton at a club in Minneapolis. He was ridiculously good.

Doug benson did a guest spot...I didn't enjoy him at all

he stinks, and i dont like him.

I kinda feel the same way about Artie Lange. He was phenomenal on the radio, just didn't like any of his on-stage routine when I saw him live.

I just hate "topical" routines. Jimmy tends to use a lot of current event stuff. I love how Louis can do his current routine 20 yea from Now and it'd still rule

I've seen Jimmy quite a few times. I also got to see the first Antisocial Network with Norton, Burr, Breuer, and Attell. It was great.

My cunt ex girlfriend bailed on it and I lost my reservation because I wasn't 21 yet, really sad I missed that

I'm starting to see why she's your ex.

Cause she's a cunt, right?

A humorless cunt, yes.

The Legend.




Jimmy Norden.



Fat Bob Kelly.


Stanhope 20+ times.

Ken Fresno.

You mean Carlin by the legend?

The Kid from Brooklyn.

Saw jimmy at Caroline's. I've never laughed so hard. I plan on seeing burr when he comes around in September.

Saw Louie in Dallas a couple times. Not a lot of the O&A guys come to Dallas a lot so it's he'd to see em. I'd love to see Bill Burr

I had a ticket to go see Jimmy in Austin last year, but I didn't go because I was going by myself.


I've had to see a lot of comedians by myself (Sieneld, Louie, Robin Williams, a few more I think) it's kind of depressing going in but you always leave having had a great time.

I went to Derosa's show alone, I didn't give a fuck, I could pay more attention haha plus they sat me with two really attractive chicks up front... thanks vinny! *edit: vinny thank you

I've seen Jimmy at the DC Improv a few months before this new special; was pretty cool hearing all of the material from the special in advance.

I attended the Traveling Virus tour in 2007 and saw Burr, Patrice, Kelly, Norton, Vos, Mencia, and a handful more; it was a 3-hour riot of laughter. Saw Stalker Patty's tits live during the show, met her in the parking lot and spoke with her for a few minutes, met Big A and talked with him for a bit... great time.

I actually walked right past the stress factory last nite. Good enough? lol

oh that was you?

possibly, but probably not =p

Had a nice bite to eat at tumultys then got the hell out of dodge once i saw the lightning everywhere

It sucked driving on the parkway in that shit

Louie, Vos & Bonnie, Patrice, Bobby Kelly, Bill Burr,Doug Stanhope, Jim Jefferies, Joe Rogan, Joe DeRosa, Greg Giraldo, Marc Maron, Nick DiPaolo, Ralphie May, Dave Attell. They all killed. And all of 'em were really cool after the shows as well.

I saw first and second Anti Social at borgata and I saw Vos in Dc Vos fucking rules. Might see Joe Derosa next week

I've seen Jimmy three times (including Please Be Offended) and Stanhope twice.

I saw Jim Jeffries in SF last week for the taping of his special. He was hilarious but didn't really draw well here. We started out with shitty nosebleed seats but they moved us up to third row center because there were a lot of empty seats down there.

Patrice was great, as was Bill Burr. I like d Norton, but he relies o. His crutches too much. Rogan's great too - but eventually he's going to go on and on about drug use.

Vos is downright awful. When Opie says Vos kills live, he's full of shit.

Jesus... typos everywhere. I stink.

I saw Vos once too and he was mediocre at best. I convinced a big group of friends that he was going to kill too... He didn't one bit. Not bad, but not good either.

I really think he relies on people in the room to break balls on, and if he doesn't have enough good victims his show really takes a shit.

Saw Jimmy in Dallas like last year. Passed on the chance to see Patrice the last time he came though because I had another plans. I can't even remember what those plans were now...

Going to see Norton, DiPaolo, Artie and Attell on August 11th with my brother (Anti-Social Comedy Tour).

Saw Patrice in Rochester last year, amazingly funny. Jimmy, Bobby, and DeRosa have all played here since, but I missed out on the chance to go ):

Robert Kelly came down to San Antonio last year. I wanted to see him because no only am I a fan of the show and him, but I also interview him for my site. I showed up when one of the opening acts was on and Bobby was at the bar checking out the video feed of the opening act. I introduced myself and told him about the interview which he remembered. I didn't want to gush since he had a show so I told him good luck.

He really did kill it. He had some great material and worked the crows over quite a bit, yelling at a few women that were texting right in the front. He also played around with a couple of military guys that were in the audience.

After the show, I stuck around to talk to him. We were outside of the club in the little patio area. He said if I do iPhone stuff and I said sure. He showed me his app and asked me what I thought of it. It was kind of barebones but this was before it's official release.

Things got a little surreal because here I was holding Bobby's phone with untold pics, videos and info on it so I made sure not to fuck with it, but then the phone rang with the caller ID showing Collin Quinn. I really had to restrain myself from answering it, but instead I handed it over to Bobby who had been talking to people that were in the audience.

I got a quick picture, told him to have some fun in the city and we took off.

i have seen Jay Mohr, Jim Jefferies, and little Jimmy himself.

I always see Joe as a whiny little bitch beta male on O&A. How's his standup?

i loved it, it was interesting to see Joe and Vos talk after the show, they asked me if I was with the 10 I was sitting next to ( I wasn't) and it was like participating in a conversation they'd have on the air.

I was at the Patrice O'Neal Elephant in the Room taping, the anti-social network at Birgata. Ive also seen Jim Jefferies and Norton a few times.

I saw Derosa open for Vos a few years ago, Derosa was better. Antisocial tour - Burr was great, Breuer stole the show, Atell was awful. also seen Breuer many times, Jay Mohrs.

I saw Vos, lil' Jimmy and Bobby at Just for Laughs a couple of years ago. All killed, but Vos really surprised me - I had only heard him as a doofus on the radio show beforehand and did not expect him to kill like that. Then when Vos and Bobby were selling their CDs I told Vos that he's much better at stand-up than the radio and that caused a good 15mins of both of them poking shots at me, cause what the fuck do I know? It was fun - we all had a good time making fun of myself.

I saw Jim Jefferies the same year, who got an extended set because Patrice couldn't get across the border - and because I was the only person at the show to listen to O&A at the time, I guess, I was able to tell Jim why Patrice was not able to get across which caused him to go into a bit about statutory rape that I'd never heard him do before.

Also saw Jim Breuer last week-end, he was fucking hilarious but like half of his jokes I had heard before and we sat beside one of those guys who feel it's necessary to yell things like "you look funny!" and "it's funny cause it's true" during Jim's set until Jim was like "wanna come up here and tell YOUR jokes?" and insulted slayer fans when he yelled for slayer, which kinda shut the guy up.

tl:dr - Rich Vos, Jim Norton, Bob Kelly, Jim Jefferies, Jim Breuer and oh yeah Jeff Ross but he wasn't that great I found.

I need to see Louis CK next time he comes, I keep missing him

I saw Bob Kelly at the Cellar with my dad two years ago. They sat us right next to the stage and Bob made fat jokes about my dad and jokes about my dad having sex with my mom. It was one of the funniest/most embarrassing moments of my life.