Lil Jimmy on the Jay Mohr podcast

17  2012-07-03 by [deleted]

Anyone hear Norton on Mohr Stories? Jay asked Jim the same Q I did (link attached) in the AMA. "How did you become a paid member of the show?". On the podcast Norton briefly mentioned that he was brought on board full time because Op and Ant weren't getting along. I kinda feel like this is something that should have been mentioned in Jim's response on the AMA. Either way I was hoping they'd go more in to this on the podcast but they kind of went in a different direction. Still worth a listen for those who haven't yet.

AMA Link


Jim mentioned on the Jim Jefferies Podcast that he tried to answer every question he could. He missed a few, and reddit get pissy with him...

he had his settings to newest, not most popular... can't really fault him for it

I created the post because I did ask him the Q, and he answered it, he just left out apparently the most important part of the answer! lol. Honestly I wouldn't even give it a second thought if it was anyone else, but Norton's always talking about brutal honesty, which is a big reason why I love him & his work so I was a little (not much, but a bit) disappointed to hear maybe he held back a bit on the Q here.

Who knows, maybe he was rapid fire answering Q's and he didn't give it much thought. Like I've said I'm not up in arms over it, just something I noticed.

He mentioned that he didn't elaborate a whole lot on the question because the story had been told before, and figured everyone knew about it.

Over the years they have brought up the fact that they have had blow-out arguments just before they came back from break. Still, I had no idea it was so bad and the reason Jimmy became 3rd mic. I wish Jim had elaborated on that as well.

It does explain why Opie and Anthony now have a professional friendship. Even before Opie had the kid they just went their separate ways after the show.

I just realized I over-analyze this shit wayyyy too much.

Jimmy put it pretty well on the podcast, they spend a ton of time together so I guess fighting is to be expected. It def feels like their relationship is nothing more than professional at this point. You see random twitpics from Jimmy at the compound, and hear about Ant going to see Jim at The Cellar and whatnot, but you almost never hear about Op out with them. They didn't even hang together in Cleveland, and as the boys pointed out, and I can tell you from first hand experience there are very few choices for places to go in Cleveland lol.

Well someone should have asked him that question during the AMA maybe he would have answered it. I heard him on some podacast saying that people on reddit expect you to answer every question. Someone should have told him that he didn't have to answer every question in his AMA. Nobody does that lol.

I listened to Jay's podcast it was good. Weird thing is I don't like Jay as a comedian, I hate when he is on O&A because he is so ADD and he is a notorious Joke Thief (he stole from Rick Shapiro and Bert Krishecher) but for some reason I really like his podcast and I listen every week.


I just clicked the link and someone did ask how he ended up on O&A. I don't think he was holding back on his answer he might have just been overwhelmed by all the questions. If you look he answered all of the very quickly wit one or two sentences.