TIL Opie's kid is named Hudson

4  2012-06-28 by stferago

Well, it was yesterday's show, but I'm a day behind.


I think his wife is pregnant again too... There was a thread a month or so ago asking what river the next kid would be named after.

East Hughes?

Or Mississippi Hughes if it's a girl. They could even get away with it by calling her Missy.

chip? is that you?

What's the next one gonna be? Housatonic or sommin'? Tsss...

I wasn't sure if it was already known, because it was blurted out accidentally by Wease's wife (girlfriend?) when they were on the phone. It was very subtle and I wasn't even 100% sure if that's who she was talking about.

He had mentioned it once or twice when the kid was first born. It's the river he can see from his apartment. He hasn't talked about it since because he considers his family "civilians".

In like 5 years his son will have a Facebook account and you'll easily be able to find him.