What happened to Line of the Day?

12  2012-06-27 by dopamine_junkie

That was one of my favorite bits, and when they talk about it now it's always in hushed tones, like management put a stop to it. Anyone have some insight?


Hhheeeeerrrrreee cooooommmmeeeesss

line of the day! Line of the day!

What did we learn… what did we learn?

opie has said several times it just needed a rest. I think habits make him "itchy."

I loved Line of the Day.

The Golden Age of OandA.

RiP Liddy

I think it was one of those management decisions where they felt OnA needed more 'bits' on their show. That's why they started stuff like Rock Scream Tuesday and line of the day.

LOTD is older then the bits from the Rock Scream Tuesday era.

It was probably too much work.

I liked what did I learn or whatever it was called but the callers suck now so glad they don't do it. Lately they have been taking less calls which is great.