Louis CK interviewed on The Today Show today defends his Sarah Palin comments.

22  2012-06-25 by [deleted]


Couldn't stand the interviewer. What an amazingly patronizing vibe she was giving off.

"Do you have to go for the cheap joke"?

Yuck and boo.

It's so weird when people like her call it going for the cheap joke or cheap laugh, because it's people like her who when they do curse don't make anybody laugh, they just sound fucking insane and scare the shit out of everyone.

I guess they just get that dirty/cheap association from seeing people laugh all the time at the dirty comics but not being able to let themselves go and get over the no-no words to enjoy it. 'If others can enjoy it but I can't then it must be cheap.' Ugh, what a cunty, self-righteous attitude.

Surprisingly well handled by the Today show. Sure the request for clean material is bullshit/groundless and the idea of not offending people (comically at least) just isn't Louie's style/"voice"
But overall it was a nice primer for the average non-comedy viewer. Except the whole Palin avenue which came from Louie drinking too much on a plane and having fun. There was no grand scheme or overall opus behind it. It was throw away jokes that the media ran with too far


What the hell is she talking about? Because he says words like fuck and shit?

That bitch was such a cunt.

Yeah, I thought Louis came off really well. I especially liked his line about there being no such thing as cheap jokes. All jokes have a social cost to them.