Does anyone have links to mean Opie clips?

4  2012-06-22 by [deleted]

I wasn't listening back in the day and all I really know is the poker chip incident and Sandy Kane's guitar. I would love to hear more because brutal Opie is amazing.


Holy shit part 3 is fucking brutal.

You can find "mean Opie clips" between 610am and 10am on XM 206 or SIRIUS 105. Just tune in.


Having a kid will do that to ya


fuck you cock sucker. tiss.


THAT'S THE WHOLE IDEA! God DAMNIT, you're fucking dense.


You don't really sound like seaweed or water.


I was only joking, bruddah.


Now that's a shitty novelty Chip.

Seriously, though. There have been recent Ope moments that have stood toe to toe with his unrelenting antics that he used to pull. Granted, they aren't as plentiful, but he has them. I think management has asked him to pull back a little too. You can hear the frustration some times.

fuck you cock sucker. tiss.