Really excited if jimmy or ant does the AMA they quipped about!

16  2012-06-20 by zombiechris



Jim actually announced he'll do one on the 25th.

awesome, did he say that on today's show?

Twitter. I don't listen to the show.

to busy or sumpthin?

tsss tssss it's my job to know comedy news you stupid cocksucka mothafucka or sumpting. tssst.

A Jimmy + Ant AMA would be awesome. Somewhat disheartening it sounds like they have absolutely NO idea how reddit works. Maybe Danny'll help them out, he seems to be a redditor.

Fuck Danny. Self righteous piece of trash. Would rather have Bobby or (god help me saying so) Sam help them out.

I don't like Danny either, He's the most internet-wise of the group, though. Sam can't even google.

Been trying to get a signed pic of the boys from duh show. Danny replied, "I can get you one for $6000."


Fuck You, Danny!

I got my eticket signed by all of them plus Patrice, saget, burr, Otto after the DC virus comedy show. Framed on my wall, still one of my favorite things

At least they're aware that reddit is out there. And with Anthony wanting to do an AMA also, he must be aware that there is an O&A community on here (otherwise, who the fuck would read an Anthony Cumia AMA unless you knew who the fuck he was?

Bob Kelly is definitely very tech savvy, but I don't think he's too into internet subculture. I doubt he knows Reddit or 4chan like Danny.

Still... I hope Danny Fucking Ross chokes on a black cock and dies of bleeding out from popping all of his herpes blisters while I stand over his dying body and piss all over face.

Well, now. I feel better.

Thanks for listening.

Louis should help them out, he was the one who mentioned it to them during the show where he was talking about how he banked on his latest DRM free 5$ internet album. Neither op or ant seemed to know much about it except they made some comment about porn.

When was this quip? I missed it apparently?

yesterday's show, bout 5 min before the end of the show. sorry I can't link it, maybe someone can.

This is very cool he is doing one make sure to post a bunch of GOOD questions so he doesn't get bored and bail.