Thoughts on Sam

4  2012-06-19 by spc1979

Sam obviously wants to have a career in radio. Outside of what he brings to O&A, what do you think of Sam Roberts?

My opinion, he's not great. I hate the shit show and when he gets too much air time on the show with O&A, it's annoying. He's good in bits and pieces and that's all. Opinions...?


I like his podcast.

edit: Also, Sam + Angry Chippah is one of my favorite things on the show.

But isn't this more about Chip than it is Sam?

Sam is the wall that bounces the tennis balls back to Chip.

I like Sam a lot, I enjoy the naïveté he brings to some of conversations

me too. sometimes when listening to the show daily all of the negativity (tho funny) kind of wears on me. sam knows how to lighten things up and i like that. imo!

It's not naivete, it's dry sarcasm. I love it.

He's a smug little prick, but can be good radio. But I just don't give a shit about anything he talks about.

I used to hate Sam... now I love him. I think he's a nice addition to the daily show.

word for word, same thing here. I HATED his laugh, and always thought he was mocking someone/too cool for the room. I am a fan now, and to be honest there were a few times I thought the shit show is at least as good as the regular show.

EDIT: I mean specific days the SS was as good, not overall.

I could see young Samuel doing a 4 or 5 hour DJ gig for a small market, maybe evenings. He's just not THAT entertaining.

He does ad a small element to show, and like you say...

He's good in small... VERY SMALL doses.

I agree with you a lot. I just think sometimes he has a bigger head than he should have about his position.

Not a Shit Show fan. However, Sam has his market.
I think he'd do great being a DJ for some top 10/Home of the Hits station.
Also, I''d like to see him branch into a "stick man" in the WWE as it's his dream and I think he has the knack and knowledge. However, I really don't feel he's suited for "locker room radio".

Gonna agree about the "locker room radio" comment.

But I like Sam.

Interesting...Good point.

I really don't like Sam. At all. I think he brings down the show anytime he is on. The Shit Show is basically like listening to really bad college radio and it doesn't belong on XM at 10am. As soon as I hear the SS intro I change the channel until 11am and I doubt I am the only one.


I think he has his funny moments like when passive aggressively shits on E-Rock. But he gets way too much air time. I'm not really a Danny fan but he knew when to shut up when he was in studio.

Excellent point. Danny definitely listened and backed off. Sam is like the good son that doesn't act up, he's just not that good so no one rips him that much to make him less confident. I like Sam, just want less of him.

He's missing the spark that makes for captivating the audience.

You mean listening to Sam constantly drone on about wrestling and pop music isn't captivating?

I feel like Opie is grooming him to be the replacement when they eventually do end the show. Or at least Sam is smart enough to get his foot in the door.

He'll do alright in radio, but he's not for me. O&A are old-school guys, Sam is too "hip" for me even though I think I'm younger than him. I don't care about what's going on in wrestling or hip-hop. Just can't relate to him.
