Just saying this was a great week of O&A (06/11-06/15)

13  2012-06-16 by harriswill

Between Uncle Paul's take on Sandusky, the Detroit guy saying "I don't listen to women yelling I tell to shut up." Jimmy's line of "I'm starring in a Pat Benatar video," "HOLY SHIT HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!";

I just wanted to say it was an awesome week of radio. People here want to complain that they just phone it in and the show's gone to shit, but there's definitely plenty of juice left to go around.


Too bad the weekend replays will probably be filled with interviews and Sam bits.


It was a great week and the team seemed rejuvenated.

Ah fuck, and this was the week where I didn't listen at all. Time to catch up...

The show definitely seems to be out of the little slum it was in. Some great guests, and some of the best Uncle Paul yet.

I feel like the Sandusky, or Sandoosky rather, material really made the week. It opened up a lot of doors for other topics.

Loved the Sandusky stuff, except when a non listener was in the car and she thought it was gross :) (volume stayed up)