Trying to get Ant for an AMA

13  2012-06-02 by newsdaylaura18

He follows me on twitter, so I just sent out the first ticklers to get him to do an AMA. He probably won't respond tonight, or ever. But the answer is no unless you ask! I'm trying to get him!


i think there's a decent chance of ant doing it since he probably is the most computer nerdy of the bunch. opie might do it for something viral, and maybe yimmy would do one because he's an adorable sweater boy cutie.

he pretty much does one everytime he gets drunk with his twitter open

I think Opie would do one if we made a request.

Atta girl.

I have Jimmy's phone number and we text sometimes. I have asked him to do it several times and sent him the info. He always says yes, he wants to do it, but he doesn't follow through. So, I guess eventually it might happen.


I wonder if she is on Jim's good boy phone or naughty boy phone ?


Were you the chick that sent him a pic because he needed a workout partner or sumtin?


You were the one that actually went on the air?


Im sorry..... Im gonna have to ask for proof on this

I think we can get him to do one soon he is going to want to promote his special. If we explain to him that the IAMA mods will promote he is doing one and then maybe link him to other comedians and people he is friends with that have done them maybe he will.

I'll get all those links together and message the IAMA mods and see how we can set up a time. Maybe we can have it so they contact his people to set it up.


Can you temp him with some sloppy 17 year old?

Opie and Anthony would be good in this subreddit, I'm not sure if anyone would care in r/IAMA

Norton is the one who could draw some people in /r/IAmA

Anthyony does a AMA every time he twitters, it would be nice to get Opie and Anthony to do them here but we need people to ask questions.

We have 504 people subscribed to this subreddit but I would say we only have maybe 15 or 20 active posters.

We need to get more people here and more people participating. If you have any ideas on how we can do that please don't be afraid to speak up.

I would think if any of the three do an AMA we would get a ton of new activity. Other than that, I would think any plug we could get on the air would help. Maybe do a call-in requesting an IMA (although there is a significant chance they would beat any of us up for such a call)?

Bowling for behave could go viral

I REALLY don't understand why it hasn't.

I can finally ask if he likes the meme I made.