I see the resemblance, Opie, but that's where it stops...Right people?

6  2012-05-14 by HumbleMagnificent


Twitter's really opened a window into Opie's sheer level of douchebaggery.

I don't follow him but I checked out what he was tweeting last night on a whim...he made a few horribly stale Asian jokes. One was about driving tests and the other was something about penis size. He's just a dumb, low IQ having mother fucker. And he's too dumb to realize how dumb he is. I wonder how hard it must have been for Ant and Jimmy to swallow his shit for all these years...the millions help.

The most amazingly stupid thing I've heard from him that sticks out in my mind is the "iRob" comment. I really don't think that's a bit. Well, not at first, but now he's just running with it.

I say to myself several times a week "...and that's the only guy in the room who went to college."

This is all kind of true but you're being a huge asshole. The show isn't as good as it's been before and Opie can really lose it from time to time, but christ he's been on the radio 4 hours a day for the last 15 years, most people aren't built for that. There's no need to fucking eviscerate somebody who's probably already on his way out, for all he's done he's a better person than the lazy fucking fans who continue to listen but complain about the show constantly.

Good point for almost a decade he didn't interact with the fans. He used to answer his email that was posted on Opieandanthony.com and Anthony would post on wackbag. Then they got fired and Opie stopped answering fan emails. Then twitter came around and he became a complete jackass online.

Have you seen his twitter? You'd think that shit was satire. LOL!

I followed him in the beginning but unfollowed him a while back. There is nothing of substance on his feed. Not saying twitter is highbrow or anything, but he does shit to other people he complains people do to him. He pretty much stalks Kim Kardasihan then rants the next day about haters and twitter and how they should move on.

He tweets about the trending topics.

Holy shit Ope, stop trying to go "viral". It's fucking hack. Eugh.

This is one aspect of the show that really irritates me. Stop trying so hard to be the "viral" guy. It's so desperate that it gives me douche chills. Do you guys remember the "I didn't do shit!" catchphrase he tried so hard to push?

Eugh, yep. He's the same hack he was back at WAAF.

It did the same to me.

Even when I was 12 I wouldn't jerk off to a flower. Being turned on by balloons in your 40's and shitting on the beach isn't normal, Op.

This can't be a balloons = tits joke, right? I don't use twitter that much, so I don't know what's up here.

I would fuck those balloons idk bout you

Bam's former fuck piece must not be doling out the vag like she used to... poor guy is jerking off to his kid's birthday balloons? WTF.

Just shows how friggin' slow the show is without Ant.

Opie's oedipal complex really creeps me out sometimes. I think he still wants to breast-feed.

His mommy never loved him.

lol typical hater comment. what does this have to do with Ant not being there?

I'm the opposite of a hater.

seriously, why are you on here when you sound like you despise Opie? Move on then, go listen to Kidd kraddik or something.

Huh? How do I despise Opie. I love the guy. But two weeks without Ant and they're doing 30 minutes on a balloon.

You don't get it in the O&A fandom world if you don't like everything you are a hater.

I'm the opposite of a hater.