Patrice's rant on asiany asians, Hilarious.

17  2012-05-12 by Sirtroz


I fucking miss this dude. Btw, if you haven't picked up his "Mr. P" album yet...all I can say is it's the only comedy album I've listened to repeatedly, other than Louis CK's last special. His delivery, confidence, subject matter, and crowd interaction is just perfect. It feels good to listen to someone who is that in control of his abilities.

" my name is Patrice you piece of shit!"

I totally agree with what he said. The funny thing is I actually found, for the first time in my life a carry out asian place that gives a shit. It's run by some old chinese woman that remembers me and gives me sweet rolls for free.

One time I went in early for a take out and she gave me free hot tea while I waited. She is the .0000000001%