I'm getting tired of the posts about the show sucking

0  2012-05-10 by Sirtroz

I have nothing more to say than that I consider myself a real fan of this radio show. To not like a particular show or bit is totally understandable, just don't listen to it . However to sit here and post about how much you hate the show these days is boring and redundant. You all sound like a bunch of whiney kids.


The thing is, there's a difference between hate and legit complaints.

Try telling that to opie, lol.

This, a lot of people can't tell the difference. There is nothing wrong with having some back and forth discussion. Do you guys realize how boring this place would be if everyone kept on agree with each other.

that's also true, but some of the people on here seem to take it to a 10 when it deserves a 3 or a 4

No, because it's not our job to give input, it's our job to listen and if we enjoy, if not turn it off. Celebrities needs to make themselves less accessible, I don't think they are better than us but I think it's amazing that someone who can't play a note feels they are on equal ground with a musician about what they should do with their craft. I get not liking it, but then saying "well you should do this" it's stupid when most of the people complain can barely tell a fucking knock knock joke.


It's psycho too when you think about it. Here you are not liking something but then obsessing over it so much you continue to listen. Can you imagine if this type of behavior carried over to other aspects of life? You'd be looked at like a nut!

That's pretty much what i was thinking as well

This is reddit if you don't like the conversations then change the topic. Posting threads about how you don't like the conversation is not going to accomplish anything.

How many new positive threads have you created? If the answer is none how come you haven't made any ?

Nobody is going to censor anything here people are allowed to express their opinions. The only reason we have moderators here is to make sure peoples posts don't get caught in the spam filter. Nobody is going to go through this subreddit deleting and editing posts.

If you don't like what's going on change the topic, the users control the flow of conversation. You seem like a logical person and I'm sure you will create some positive threads and posts but there are idiots that will ignore this and complain about the complaining when it's up to them to change the conversation.

You actually suggested in the last thread that i post a positive post and this was my attempt, but apparently i'm in the minority with my way of thinking in this fan base.

So you tried creating a positive thread by pointing out the negativity?

Editing to add this.

I'm not trying to single you out or anything so please don't take it that way. Everyone here needs to realize that others are going to have different opinions. The best way to deal with this is just to let people do what they want. If you want to praise go for it, if you want to hate go for it. If you need someone to hold posters hands Wackbag does a great job of doing that, they are so worried about their reputation they still won't let the 10 people who are left there talk about certain topics.

I don't mind discussing and pointing me out doesn't bother me either because I enjoy this show enough to hear what other fans think, the only part that bothers me is when someone brings legitimate disgust of a person or topic and then blows it up into saying the show sucks. People like that will never really be fans to me, jimmy commented on it one time that he calls them "something else".......... Also I felt Someone had to call out the negativity because there basically nothing but complaint posts.

people have opinions just because you don't agree with them dosen't make them not valid. Wouldn't it be best just to ignore the posts you don't like and create or participate in ones that you do?

I'm not saying that I disagree with your point of lots of "hate topics" all I'm saying is this if you don't want to read them then just ignore them or change the flow of the conversation Nothing is going to change unless you change it. I get sick of people making posts complaining about the discussion topics when they have never participated in any of the discussion. Obviously this dosen't include you since you post regularly.

It's not fair when people compare this small subreddit that grew over the past few months to Wackbag. If this place was like wackbag it would be boring. Go look at that site and tell me it's not the same 10 people posting in the threads then 5 other people going into those threads complaining about what people are posting. If anything I would love to prevent that here.

At this point I'm done with his topic. I feel like I'm repeating myself.

tl;dr People can post what they want if you don't like it either don't read it or down vote it. That's how reddit works.

arguing about how to disagree is what killed all the messageboards. I know, i started one of them. if you're not happy, reddit has this wonderful arrow you can click

Ronfez.net ? Is that you ?


Very cool, nice to see you here. .net has changed a lot over the years. It's pretty much dead now. All of the boards are dead. Everyone has moved on to twitter and Facebook.

which is quite funny considering how much less of a community feel there are to each of those outlets. this small subreddit has massive potential simply because of reddit's inherant crowd-sourced moderation system. if people think you're a jerk, you just disappear into the ether instead of causing insane drama.

I'm loving all the stuff i'm reading already from the fans here.

To each their own. Some of the shows have been off every now and then. But that's to be expected. I always enjoy listening to the bbbb-boys. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion.