May 10, 2012 Grim In The Morning Discussion

6  2012-05-10 by [deleted]

More sleepy, lazy Grim In The Morning.

I'll post the youtube link when it comes up.

I'm Jorge from Toronto who called in during this show about Bobo yelling out during Jim's taping in Cleveland. I punched out almost IMMEDIATELY because Opie & Jim were annoying me complaining about my reason for calling before and during my call and trying to rush it. I love them to death, but I don't care about being on the radio if they don't want me there. If they didn't want to hear my story, if they had moved past it, why did they put my call through? I'm too busy to deal with passive aggressive opie for a dumb radio call.

The reason I called was because they were asking what happened yesterday, and everybody who wasn't there had gotten the story wrong.

I did enjoy Jim calling me a jerk-off, though.

God, I'm getting sick of this show.


Well to be fair that was what? 2 weeks ago? And you were a panicky Pete. Plus, fuck Bobo.

Yes, but they just talked about it yesterday, and gave the wrong story. I was there and saw what happened

But, yeah, FUCK BOBO.

Edit: also, it was the first week since Jim got back.

Thought the show was great today, the best all week. Jim feeling better might have something to do with that.

JorgeGarrido. Just heard your call played back on the 3pm replay. "Five hour energy.. errmm, k..punching out." That was hilarious.

same here. I think you punched out a little early but it does seem like they were gearing up for a beatdown.

It was awful, wasn't it?

Why did you supposedly yell out during Jim's comedy taping? If you did do that, it's a fucked up thing to do.

No, it was two guys next to me.

I understand at this point I would just forget about it. Norton isn't going to remember you and please don't call the show and slow it down with bobo talk. You made me lol the way you bombed today :)

When I hung up, that was me being done with it (except on the internet, and even that'll probably end today)

Yeah I hear ya you don't want to be confused with the guy who yelled out something at a live standup taping. Even at a regular show that is kind of disrespectful but during a TV taping it's even worse. I guess that's why these guys usually record two shows just incase the have to edit stuff out.

Your call did seem out of place but to be fair sometimes Opie will kill a conversation just to take a call then when he puts the person on the air he will just start talking over them then gets pissed that they are talking.

Isn't that why they do live tapings? So that people yell out?

I think interrupting a comedians performance is not the right thing to do. I equate it to standing up in the middle of a play and yelling something.

oh so you bombed. ...and thats why you posted a link about the show becoming unlistenable

Actually, I posted that link before.

And yes, I did bomb, you're right. But your timeline is slightly off, that's all.

haha well try to keep things positive, i bomb on the show a lot, im sure if you listen for some awful matt from jersey calls they're there.