Is it just me, or is the show becoming unlistenable?

6  2012-05-10 by [deleted]


God we're turning into wackbag... discussions like this annoy the fuck outta me cuz its all some fans talk about.

I think it's inevitable. The vibe of the show is very negative and judgmental and the cesspool fan-sites are just a result of the fans emulating the b-b-boys, without the humor.

For me, when the show hits on a strong bit I can think of few things funnier, in any medium. So much so you put up with the bitching and moaning about management, politics, pop culture or 'political correctness' just to hear those gems.

Lately there has been less funny and more moaning and I can't listen anymore.

Not sure why you are getting down voted but I can't listen to the show in the morning because their negativity rubs off on me. If they (opie) starts the show with the same old management sucks bit then I end up in a bad mood.

This, this, and this!! Sure, it's okay to voice your disinterest about something but holy fck, I hope /r/opieandanthony is nothing like what Wackbag was/is.


So down vote it and move along.

Just a quick question how many positive posts have you made? Instead of bitching why not create a positive post. I'm sure you won't do it, you will just wait for the next thread to come along and say this is like wackbag.

If you haven't figured it out yet reddit isn't like wackbag we don't have mods babysitting everyones posts. The users control the conversation. Don't like what people are talking about then change the topic.

Either add something to the subreddit or GTFO.

That's what I did. and i've added a ton.

This week is definitely exceptional.

I'm sure Opie will take out more of his insecurities on the staff though. Maybe he'll repeat "I don't need you" a few more times to E-Rock.

Are you saying Opie repeats things over and over for no apparent reason? I havent noticed that at all...

I would never say that. That might get me blocked on twitter....

As someone who has just recently started listening to the show (about 3 months ago), I think it's great. I was as avid Stern listener for almost 10 years, but once Artie left the show it started to tank and a few months ago I had finally had enough of endless vacations and shows where Howard just rattled on nonstop about whatever inane hobby he had or crappy TV show he was watching. I decided to give O&A a shot and haven't listened to Stern since.

Sure for you guys who have been listening for years it might not be as good as it was in the past, but for someone who's new to it, it's fantastic.

I look at the show as a homerun derby. Ant and Jim are the sluggers and Opie is just the pitcher. His job is important as he has to serve them material that they can "knock out of the park". Ant is gone and Jim is sick so they're definitely struggling. That and Tom Papa keeps repeating himself. I get that in stand-up you have to bring back your punchline or tag, but he keeps repeating bombs

I'd even take it a step farther and characterize the show, as a whole, as a home run derby. When the show hits a bit out of the park, it's like nothing else on radio. (Although I'd point out that, within this metaphor, Howard hasn't hit a home run in 5+ years.) When O & A take a few innings off it becomes a mediocre talk show. To me, this is in stark contrast to the Ron & Fez show, which consistently hits a double every time it steps to the plate. I'll always give O & A a listen because, just when I start to think its not worth it, the boys tweet a picture of Anthony Weiner's dick.

It took me a little while to get used to Ron & Fez because Ron has such an odd and dry humor. It has grown on me though and now I love it. As far as the O&A show, it's really the only morning talk show worth listening to when considering the alternative bullshit terrestrial radio talk show. That and I changed my whole work schedule so I don't have to be stuck listening to the "shit show".

If you are a new R&F listener you should have heard them in their heyday back on WNEW, WJFK, Early XM and Free FM. Those shows are out there available for download. You should seek them out.

Nope, not just you. I still listen when I can but I used to record every show on my Inno and listen to every minute. Now, I hear a few minutes here and there and it's enough to listen to the "Worst of the Week". This week is definitely not the norm, with Ant out, but even with him there it hasn't been the same in quite some time. O&A always win in the end... uh, right?

Yeh, I tapped out being an 'every second' listener last year. I'm hanging on hoping there is a resurgence after this contract is up.

Yeah it's a bit off, but I assume that's due to Ant being gone mainly.

I've been listening for coming up on 3 years and I think it just gets old.

It's still funny, but if you're expecting to laugh your balls off every time you're going to be disappointed. The show really is an up and down type thing. I remember weeks where almost every show was hilarious, then again I can remember weeks like this as well.

does it really take this long to get one girl out of compound west?

Oh, come on guys. play nice

Be a sweetie like l'il jimmy!

sweater-boy cutie

tsss yeah keep that stupid cocksuckers fat neck warm... tsss

The only times I can't stand the show is when Opie goes on and on about management. As a listener I don't give a shit fire your agent and get a new one that can work you a better deal.

I also tune out when Anthony goes on one of his "niggers" rants. We get it you are racist. It used to be funny now you just sound like a old racist.

or politics

Yeah I can't stand their political discussions also. I'm not a political person at all so I'm not against their side or anything but every time they talk polecats they just repeat themselves over and over.

Back in the day they used to say you don't go to CNN for dick jokes and you don't come to use for news. Now for the past 3 years they have been very political.

Their management rants are ridiculous and so passive aggressive. If you have an issue, then bring it up to them, don't expect them to hear it through the grapevine. This always happens doing their renewal time. They (see: Opie) become unbearable at times with their gripes about management. So I would turn it off and wait for Ron and Fez. Now, RnF is basically a dead show so I listen to podcasts. A part of me doesn't want them to re-sign just so they can go DIY and podcast. Then 98% of their complaints will go out the window and the responsibility lies on them. Having listened to them since WNEW, I don't feel bad saying they should end it. They've had a spectacular run, let it go.

oh man... Fez... Fez Fez Fez...

I'm sad for it but its time that something "be done" there. Its been half a show for so long now.

Haters gonna hate.

Every couple of years I get sick of the show, and I'll listen to 1st wave, or Howard instead. But I always come back after like a month off. It happens. You just get sick of them. We listen to them everyday. It's understandable.

I think that's what happened to me, which is why I hung up on Opie today. It really wasn't his fault. I'd just been listening too much.

I WAS enjoying the show despite it not always being 100%, but all the fucking whining and bitching here seems to make things less enjoyable. It is a fucking radio show, you don't need to dig into every personality defect and private drama you catty old fucking women.

Don't like the show? Then go find some other ways to waste your fucking lives.

Again, there's a difference between not liking the show and having lagit complaints. We're not "haters."


So much for a positive new Opie and Anthony subreddit. If I wanted to read shit like this, I would go back on wackbag

FRUNK- oh you get it.

it's just you.