5/1/12 Show Discussion

8  2012-05-01 by Fidena

Troy Quan's loud fucking.


The show was hilarious. Honestly, though, Sam got out what I considered one of the funniest damn lines during the prep for the 'franchising' bit on 4/30.

Opie: (after listing all the A-listers in The Avengers) - (Paraphrasing here) "We want a Superhero, not a Supervillain - WHY DON'T WE HAVE A SUPERHERO?

Sam: Because today you're talking to a supervillain and once they know you've spoken to the supervilain, they're not going to want to speak to you, anymore.

Sam sometimes gets on my nerves with the character he is playing not he O&A show. But out of all the support staff he is the most talented broadcaster. If you listen to his podcast he drops his little act he does on O&A and talks like a normal person and it's a good podcast.

I love that they have Sam on air instead of Danny. I hate listening to Danny's cunty comments.

Wasn't it wunderbar when Kenny called him out on it on air?

I hate to say this, but I'm starting to like Sam....

I definitely prefer him to Danny or Troy. Snarky little fuck has his moments.

Danny and troy did the aftershow once, covered technology and were hysterical. I'd subscribe to Danny and Troy in the morning

Im half with you...warming up to Sam...but just opie and sam.....no fucking way.

This is the first show ive heard Any on and she killed with the bear grylls shit. And when she offered to slit erocks throat, I chuckled quiet a bit.

It's been a little while since i've legit laughed out loud listening. I'm not talking about laughing on the inside I let out a howl during that first break when Sam was doing the sex noises.