What do you REALLY think will happen once the contracts are up in October?

12  2012-04-21 by darknemus

I've been giving this some thought and I'm genuinely curious what others think.

My personal guess is that they will try to do some sort of video podcast / stream deal (as they've been hinting at) but I just have to really question the ability for it to be successful long-term.

I know its also entirely possible that they renew with Sirius but, I just don't know. A lot of Opie's animosity sounds... real, if that makes sense. I notice Ant doesn't say all that much about them in a disparaging way - it seems to be mostly driven by Opie / Jimmy. My guess as to that reason is, to be honest, I'd imagine Anthony has a bit more of a 'lifestyle' to support which means that the subtraction of Sirirus's cashflow might impact him more than Op / Jim. (AKA Ant spends while Op / Jim save)

I suppose they could do something at the 'Live from the Compound' studio setup, but again, I have to question the effectiveness. I just don't see them able to maintain a subscription based model for a long period of time.

Regardless of what happens, its going to be an interesting 6 months to watch unfold.


They'll resign, they always resign.

Yeah, I don't see them becoming huge in the podcast world if they didn't re-sign. Bill Burr's rant recently made me realize that the podcast world is run by the comedy nerds. These nerds would rather listen to people talk about comedy than listen to some guys actually being funny, so O&A will struggle there. That's why friends of the show like Bob Kelly and Rich Vos have trouble beating WTF and whatever the hell Comedy Bang Bang is. But hey, maybe they'll do okay. Jay Mohr seems to do okay and he's anything but a nerdy alternative comedian.

Honestly, I listen every single day. I will follow them where ever they end up. I'm not sure how I couldn't get through a work day with out the laughs - which im sure makes me look a little crazy. I agree it will be interesting - if they are not getting what they want - and it turns out they know they won't be renewing, I'm sure we'll hear plenty of it. Plus they'll plug the shit out of whatever they are going to jump to next.

I doubt if they'll use the show to plug their next thing. Isn't that exactly what got Howard in trouble with CBS when he was moving to satellite?

I hear ya, but would it really be a big deal if all they were to do is a podcast/ live from the compound sort of thing?

Opie doesn't have the balls or business sense to go on his own.

If they did, I'd definitely pay a subscription if they are doing at least 30 hours a week.

Opie is a fool if he thinks anyone would give two fucks about him and his stories about his stupid kid. I think Ant and Jimmy could do their own things and be plenty successful, but Opie would destined for failure on his own.

I don't mean alone... Oh god....

I can't even imagine how painful the Opie show would be.


Thanks for posting that link. I'd never seen that, and it nails the problems with that show the past 3-4 years. I've been listening for about 11-12 years now, and its amazing to me how different Opie is on their show now than how he was way back on WNEW.

I even remember a time when Opie didn't know everything or talk over everyone constantly.

Ha! I love that!

The best thing about it, is that it's over a year old and it's still relevant.

Honestly, I'd like to hear more about his life as a husband and father.

I would to ,it would make him seem more normal. Instead he puts on a act sometimes that you know isn't him.

Lots of people don't understand Opie's utility on the show. It isn't just three guys talking into a mic and magically going into commercial and from topic to topic. Opie keeps the conversations and flow of the show on track, and is a very important aspect to the show. He's more than just a personality.

oh no. i understand his role. I get. Hes good but he needs to realize he's not a personality and needs to hang it up on that angle. As i type Im listening to op talk about a fucking squirrel picture he took for his instagram....holy fuck this shit is losing me. I cant listen live anymore, i need to be able to skip over half of the bullshit. a year ago I wouldn't miss a second of the show.

He's just shooting the shit naturally and armed with his real personality. The three guys have an amazing rapport and without Opie you wouldn't get that flow of conversation that comes with 10 years of experience together. I just think the haters would realize that they were wrong if Opie left the show for an extended period of time.

dude, its not about his role...I get that. his moootha fuckin' ego is out of control. today he posted a video of ducks.....seriously. its not a hater thing....dudes lost a step. something is fucking wrong with him. its so fucking obvious....took him over a week to recognize ant's chip video blowing out anything he has ever done....seriously. dont speculate, step back and look//listen.

They will sign the contract. Opie will make a huge deal out of it and act like he just singed before the turn the mics on. He then will go on to bitch about what the company better do for him in 2 years.

They aren't going to leave and if they do they won't work together anymore. Opie and Anthony don't seem to be as friendly as the used to be. It seems like their relationship is now a business thing. If they don't re up with Sirius/XM you really think they will do a show with each other from Anthony's basement?

They will sign a new deal... And complain their way into the nex October capitation like last time

I don't know if they'll go straight subscription based. I can see them either joining or starting something similar to smodcast.

They won't leave.

Opie has a son, and the stock market and his nest egg ain't gonna be enough for a kid.Anthony won't leave, he loves the money. Jimmy won't leave because no one else will leave. Honestly it's probably a bit. A good one, it gets more listeners. Don't believe me? They did hack shit at WAAF, they've even pretended they'd cancel on people like John Cusack. But they didn't. It's good radio, it's like wrestling when you can't tell if it's real.

They'll renegotiate and stay. And I don't blame them.

Sirius will give them a little raise a new studio. They'll sign. Some web streaming too. More musical acts.

I have a feeling the company is going to finally cave and give them what they want. That's happened a couple times recently, like when they sent Roland to a Springsteen show, and they're now paying O&A to do the show in Cleveland on Friday. I think the bitching is starting to pay off, and the fact that Opie IS serious about quitting will prompt them to change their terms in October.

Right, but didn't they bitch about this last contract and how they got less, ect?

They will go to regular radio again why not?

I don't think they'd even touch terrestrial radio again. As it is, I think they're finding Satrad too 'limiting' for them, given the technological upheaval and emergence / rise of podcasting and the like. I guess the question for them is, is it more important to reach out to a wider audience or a more loyal audience.. you know?

I don't think they'd even touch terrestrial radio again.

Oh literal darknemus

Upvoted for the car crash sound I should have played for myself. :P

I miss the early days of XM before the merge and the neutering. Shit was insane.

They won't get wht thy want, but they will negotiate a carve out from their noncompete agreement to allow them to do a podcast

Live from the compound will become o and a.....

It will be another 2 year contract, not a 5

As long as I can listen in november somewhere I don't care. I hope sirius gives them what they want but judging by the last negotiation they can be cunts.

My best guess is they're going to bitch and moan but will eventually re-sign, adding a new studio and outside activities (see: LFTC) as part of the deal. I suspect Anthony not doing LFTC recently has a lot to do with ongoing negotiations.