Does anyone else...

1  2012-03-27 by KR1288

Get sick and tired of them going off on a tirade against the "media"? While I understand their anger it really just sounds like a shit load of sour grapes and anger at something nobody really cares about.


I still enjoy O&A, but they are starting to just rehash topics everyday.

When Ant goes on a politics rant it's beyond annoying. A rich guy doesn't want to pay taxes. Shocking.

Complaints about the media are getting tiring, as well.

Oddly, I still enjoy Opie going off at Sirus management.

Alright good, glad I am not the only one who grows tired of the same rants. Sucks because I love babababoys.

The only rants I like are against Sirius. The rest just seem so phoned in. Artificial outrage.

Eh even those can come off as really douchey sometimes


Ya I definitely agree. It doesn't even matter if it's a rant I agree with them on or not.

Not really. I'm studying broadcasting and i understand that they have a responsibility to educate us about what's going on even if it sounds dry it's kind of an important issue.