Louis CK clip? ALL MY UPVOT-oh, wait, it's from Opie & Anthony? Nevermind, downvotes ahoy! (x-post from /r/circlejerk)

1  2012-03-14 by [deleted]


I love Louis CK, but I don't want to listen to him and other great NYC Comedy Cellar have profound fascinating conversations, tell amazing stories, partake in their own memes, crack jokes and interview celebrities, that's stupid! Louis CK is the only comedian of his kind I like, nevermind he's only one of 28 comedians in his genre, many of whom are just as funny and who cohost O&A just like him! That's gross! By the way, DAE love podcasts where LA comedians just shoot the shit? And DAE want to hear Louis CK, Ricky Gervais and other comedians do a live audio commentary for the Oscars? I love hearing comedians just have funny, interesting conversations!

/jerk If the greatest American comedians of their generation aren't good enough for Reddit, I don't know what is. Fuck this website's taste in comedy. I'm sick of them giving short shrift to O&A and other cellar comics. Go do another hilarious jello pudding pop bill cosby joke, fuckers.