Let's just take a moment to reflect on everything that has happened in the last 7 days...

1  2019-04-19 by Dr-ButtertitsMcGilly

-SpaceEdge awakens from a heroin-induced stupor, pulls the needle out of his dick slit and begins banning people indiscriminately for valiantly attempting to stop a confirmed child molestor from victimizing more kids.

-The entire r/opieandanthony sub stops on a dime and immediately diverts its collective autism from Patrick towards SpaceEdge

-Mass banning ensues. SpaceEdge derisively tells us to go screw and start another sub. Much to his chagrin, this is exactly what happens.

-The balkanization begins. Mass exodus of funny and creative people from r/opieandanthony to this sub

-Joe fucking Cumia, the child-spit aficionado himself, is knighted by the sub and given the honor of moderator. He of course accepts.

-This lasts about 3 hours before ol' bovine eyes successfully gets himself banned by doxxing SpaceEdge. Joe is currently in exile, whereabouts unknown. We are of course praying for a safe and speedy return to this sub

-With SpaceEdge's ass now hanging in the breeze, the sub prepares its counter-attack

-Meanwhile at r/Opieandanthony it's like the last days of Rome. Complete chaos, more banning, more posting of SpaceEdge's personal information and pictures from social media

-In one night between Wednesday - Thursday, r/opienanthony nearly doubles its subscribers. Puttin up da numbahs. Management very happy with the direction.

-Someone (I believe it was u/GnattyDreads) discovers an instagram post from a Vape shop in NY naming our dear friend SpaceEdge as a thief. Video evidence included. https://www.reddit.com/r/opienanthony/comments/ber1qd/what_spaceedge_does_in_his_free_time_fucker_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

-More chaos. SpaceEdge is deleting personal accounts, blocking and banning with extreme fucking prejudice

-Some amazing artwork https://www.reddit.com/r/opienanthony/comments/bet7d0/dont_let_this_man_into_your_vape_shop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

-SpaceEdge has had enough. With the sub he was charged with moderating sinking like a stone and his actual life quickly becoming a dumpster fire, he waves the white flag


-The damage is done. r/opienanthony rises from the fray victorious. r/opieandanthony has been gutted like a fish and left to die.


Feel free to add if I missed anything. I'm sure I probably did.