Holy shit SpaceEdge should be so embarrassed. Id kill myself if i were him.

1  2019-04-19 by PhishInVa2

Fingers crossed guys.


You should do it anyway

Eyes crossed too

Absolutely. It’d be one thing if he dipped after he realized no one liked him, but the fact that he keeps posting over and over, not to mention that cunty “amnesty” post, is quite possibly the most pathetic thing I’ve seen on the entirety of Reddit. Like everyone else in the entire O&A universe, he has absolutely zero self awareness.

It is truly pathetic and i just saw a post with like 4K upvotes and entire comment section of so called males encouraging and downright bragging about their practice of peeing while sitting down. Which is worse? It’s a tough one that’s for sure.

The only time it's OK to piss sitting down is when you've got drug dick from speed


It would be AWFUL news to hear on a beautiful Easter Saturday morning.