Reminder: Anthony is still alive, Brother Joe thinks he's part of the community, and the sub was bested by a retard science fiction writer

18  2019-04-18 by Antlovessue

This is Goin great


Don’t forget that part about everyone that was funny ore creative leaving to go post on another subreddit. Besides that though this place is in great shape. 👍

There is no greater sorrow in life than for a man to outlive his favorite subreddit

NEW SUB: r/opieNanthony over 2,000 sub members in 24 hours. Leave SpaceEdge to play with his toys alone.

N person Anthony

I wonder how long this bit will go on before they think everyone has heard there are two subs now

Tomlinson was going for eight boring months so I say strap in.

search for "cartel" on liveleak

Brother Joe is part of the African American community and he has the lack of work record to prove it.

how was it bested?