Just want to give a shout out to u/anthonysmcmansion! Thanks for the fan mail!

0  2019-04-18 by Iscarabaid99


I hope this starts a trend where I can wake up to a full inbox to start my day with 😘

You’re a hero. I would be by your side on this autistic yet heroic quest but I’m an alcoholic and this sub getting shut down vs it existing with tomlinson posts are equal to me. I hope we get it back but fuck all those faggots no matter what.

r/opieNanthony is the new sub and don't ask what the N stands for



What did you do to receive such a hateful message?

I'm a bit of a political firestorm

Thank god he DM’ed you. Now you guys have something to talk about. Creativity and comedy are at a solid 0 here for last few days. Wonder what happened.

It's almost like there was some sort of a mass genocide. Weird huh?

I hope we don't have to start speaking German on here.

I have to say I think /u/Anthonysmcmansion is onto something!