The End.

91  2019-04-17 by Ant_Sucks


We should have never messed with that White Milwaukeean Poet Warlord.

Well, he definitely feels he's won. So everyone that insisted on driving that fued into the ground and threw a subsequent hissyfit can pat themselves on the back for validating him.

We did it!

Are you an assassin, child?

Are you an assassin, child?

Epitaph: They Were All Faggots And So Were We.

Goodnight my beautiful sub.

Your mom's box

Nice keyframe pullout, stupid.

makes me think of jake gyllenhaal in jarhead when he was butthurt that his era has shit music, joke war, and fag culture to look back on

Are you an assassin, space fag?

"I'm a funny moderator"

Wrong... you're neither. You're patricks errand boy.

go to back to your opie radio faggot

Why are you fags posting here? We ditched this shithole


Yes, Dice?

I want to kill you.

sams_seed, I want to...