Whats the skinny with all this apocalypse shit, are we migrating subs?

10  2019-04-17 by RocketeerJones

I've been gone, is space edge compromised? Why does everyone hate him all of a sudden? Is this the front of the bus now?


He started banning people for posting Patrick posts because according to him it wasn't realted to Opie and Anthony in any way. I'm pretty sure that junkie is back on the opiates. Faggot.

yes, we've migrated

We are indeed sending rapists.

...and none of us, I assume, are good people.

This whole thing - from SpaceEdge's bitchy tyrannical meltdown to the spurned faggots spamming this shithole with "our treehouse is better" posts - has to go down as the gayest chapter of this sub's existence, and that's really saying a lot.

you like being told what you can post by some faggot who doesn't even browse the sub? why do i even ask, of course you do faggot.

No, I don't but I also don't like this "we" shit either. "Are we migrating now, guys? What do we think about x now, gang? Etc" Fuck off.

This place has made me laugh harder than almost anything in the 5 years I've been coming and posting here but ultimately it's just a distraction. Something to read on the shitter. A lot of people take it too seriously.

They come in here making as much sense as Patrick is really the beautiful part about it.

i feel you, the "we" posts are always embarrassing and make me feel like i am one step from joining a discord but when you look at grand scheme of things then thousands of degenerates self-organizing into grassroots "spaceedge is a nigger" movement is pretty funny at the end of the day.

SpaceEdge acted like a supreme dickhead. No doubt about it. But the fact is Dumbo Joe and Patty Melt must be absolutely loving the breakdown. That is unacceptable.

make me feel like i am one step from joining a discord

The mod list of the other sub is all discord regulars.

Shitter time is quality time. Don't take that away from me.

Nobody meant you. You're not invited.

Still waiting on that curry, Sanjay

The worst part is, you know that Homo Joe os sitting back and laughing at this, chalking it up as some sort of win.

That (and Patso's undoubtedly identical reaction) is the only thing that makes me care about any of this. We must snatch victory from the jaws of defeat

Right, but then since it doesn’t make a damn difference to me what “team” I am on why wouldn’t I just post on both? And then if I have to pick one, I’d pick the one where I can say whatever I want.

Do whatever you like mate

I can’t. I have a parasite in my brain that controls my movements and decisions. It’s pretty hurtful for you to bring that up, I expect an apology.

Tell the parasite I'm sorry it's not getting more to eat.

But that would imply… hey!

"our treehouse is better"

Yeah, this literally sums up what has happened. Might as well put a, "No girl's allowed" sign up and start signing people up for the He-man Woman-haters Club

Front? We are all back bus boys. Welcome fellow nigger.

But that would imply… hey!