It might be a little slow here but..

0  2019-04-17 by Iscarabaid99 least I'm not roleplaying that I'm in some Avengers Civil War fag fest. The cringe factor over at that new place is abysmal.

Without a strong Opie and Anthony substance to dilute the memes, you literally will just be swimming in "4chan for men over 35".

You can also talk unironically about how the only people left here were bottom feeding posters with no style or quality to them.. Yes, I never thought I'd see the day but apparently everyone really, really, cares about Reddit Karma.


Did you type that post out from the weigh station, Cletus? Get back on the road so little Billy can get his Xbox on time

Dont forget you forgot to call me a faggot for enjoying naked women.

Doesn't matter, you'd still be a faggot regardless

I hope you're not repeating yourself. That would just be embarrassing.

I can't imagine taking fucking Reddit that seriously. Yeah, Space Edge is shitty. Great, go have fun on your new subreddit. Stop coming here and acting just like him all butthurt. It's the internet, people. It's supposed to be fun.

> I cant imagine taking reddit seriously
> has 100k + karma

pick one, faggot

Sorry for writing posts people liked.


Why are you so mad? It's a beautiful spring day outside.

I thought you were going to end that whine with “child”


Wasn’t a burn more of a factual observation stupid... sounds hauntingly familiar.

Yep, everyone not falling in line is a Jew. You do sound hauntingly familiar.

“ everyone not falling in line is a Jew “ if that isn’t the most contradictory comment I’ve ever read.

Are you sure you're allowed to post here still?

Why? I support both subs. Both are equally as good, just focused on different people.

I agree, I look forward to being hated by both

I can’t stand the with us or against attitude as much as the shitty mod. I just want a few laughs at the Cumia’s expense.

i really dont get whats so hard for you to understand. people want to post without the fear of having their account banned which impedes on the "fun" as youve stated

you might be clinically retarded. also, opie is an active pedophile

It truly is the end times if you are making sense.

Write more lengthy posts about how you're above it. That'll show us.

You're proof that no one's left. I can post here and still get eyes from both place on me.

It's basically a thought experiment I've done, you might have heard of those before.

Sure it was stupid.

You're like a real scientist! What fulfilling research you're doing!

Yeah. I don’t really understand taking the name opie and anthony and then just making an MDE sub. Like that’s clearly what a lot of fags wanted this place to be but still. Also all the people who left were the ones making beefers post but now they’re acting like they aren’t. Buncha queers. Some of them will come crawling back and this place will level out again.

wait... wha' happind??

Everyone moved to /r/opienanthony but we didn’t send you an invite because you’re a Brit.

> I cant imagine taking reddit seriously
> has 100k + karma

pick one, faggot

I thought you were going to end that whine with “child”

i really dont get whats so hard for you to understand. people want to post without the fear of having their account banned which impedes on the "fun" as youve stated

you might be clinically retarded. also, opie is an active pedophile

I agree, I look forward to being hated by both

I can’t stand the with us or against attitude as much as the shitty mod. I just want a few laughs at the Cumia’s expense.

I hope you're not repeating yourself. That would just be embarrassing.