Step 1: Go to and search "boobs." Step 2. Select first image that pops up. Step 3: Post to O&A sub for all your trucker friends who don't know how to find naked ladies on the Internet. Step 4: Call them beefers because that's a silly name for breasts!! lolololll

42  2019-04-17 by Anthonysmcmansion

  1. Take your rightful place at the Cellar table. These civilians will never understand.

I’m making fun of everyone’s shirt and intelligence once I get there to establish dominance.

You don't like beeeeeeeeeeeeefers? Ya fanuch

Step 6: Get it removed cause it has nothing to do with Opie and Anthony.

Step one: call a failed sci fi writer/standup no one ever heard of a fat faggot.

Step two: post it on reddit with the 637 other posts saying same thing.

Step three: DM the faggot Cumia brothers hoping they like that you're deflecting attention from them.

Self aware irony is so 90s

At the risk of standing out or being seen as fey I also don't like calling women's butts dumpers.