People who haven't migrated to the new sub yet 1/ 26,097

47  2019-04-17 by Anthonysmcmansion


Guys, we can't split up now. We split up, both subs die. We just need to stick together and weather the storm.

It is too late, my sweet, sweet summer duckling. Join or perish.

Well. It was nice while it lasted. O&A Subreddits will be dead in 4 years. Fattrick and Joe won.

did they?

What’s the new place


He's loyal to RiotCast

sais the faggot

Keith the blob

Just a reminder that the vast majority of the 20k+ subs are inactive and the new place doesn't have to get that high to be a more active subreddit than this one.

Wait what happened? I have no interest in current day Opie and Anthony so I dont check this sub much anymore. I still don't know why you guys dislike that Patrick guy either, but I assume he gave you fair reason.