Mrs Roberts son killed himself after adult circumcision

0  2019-04-17 by Dennyislife


Congratulations America on being 3rd in dick operations. Only those wonderful countries Nigeria and The Philippines ahead of you

He was a brit that moved to Canada.

read the chart lower down silly head

We are only 3rd because all of Bobo's operations are counted in there. When you take him out of the equation, we drop to 16th.

Yeah well blame the Jews.

I always do.

Imagine writing a suicide note where the main focus is your cock.

to your mother.

At least now when she sucks dick she'll be crying so it'll be extra hot for her man.

And its not even his son who offed himself. What a winner.

Super-smart guy who couldn't research his upcoming, voluntary surgery because his laptop was broken... just hold off or go get a second opinion ya dope!

They don't have smart phones in Canada. It's tragic.

Or use your fucking phone. I refuse to believe he did not have a cell phone.

But this kid was a genius.

"Imagine what would happen to an eyeball if the eyelid was amputated?"

well that’s horrifying

Disgusting propaganda The War on Good Dicks continues in Europe, I see.

I had a tight foreskin so got it off as a kid. One of my first memories is being in a hospital bed with my kids dick wrapped up. Happy times.

I still think its a fucking weird practise to do by default.

You're allowed to think whatever you like because you have a man's cock.

It's hilarious how obviously this comment screams insecurity.

You brits are more sensitive than Alex Hardy's penis.

No projection here. Nope.


The War on Good Dicks

Do Americans convince themselves every man on the planet has phimosis or something? Erect dicks would look the same regardless of whether they're cut or not.

What a pussy. "I cut off a little piece of skin on my penis. I can't live with myself now". Be a fucking man.

His dick stopped working. He couldn't be a man.

Wow he really loved that foreskin huh.

Am I just a low-libido loser or am I right in thinking that my life wouldn’t be over if my dick didn’t feel the same anymore?

Also I just learned from that article that the frenulum is supposed to be very sensitive. Mine is t and never has been. IM A FUCKING VICTIM!