Can we start a GoFundMe to buy the sub from the mods and make it less gay

1  2019-04-17 by ghostphotobeats

If we each spend like $1 of our Panera paychecks on buying the sub and electing our own dictator we can remove SpaceSword or whoever the fuck that is from his mod duties. It's better than donating to African babies or some gay shit like that.



doesn't seem like he's pretty eager to have this job anyways lol. this guy seems to have pretty low approval ratings right now.

don't do this just for F*trick, but for every hack piece of shit who will be hilarious to make fun of for many years to come

or we can just talk about how Jim likes eating healthy and Sam has bad hair for a few hundred more posts

You’re not getting another renovation that easy Norton...nice try with the scam though.