Stop downvoting posts about O&A

0  2019-04-16 by chainsofknowledge

Yeah I know that fat fuck u/spaceedge lives in your head rent free, but have a little fucking dignity.

u/spaceedge this really is all your fault, the pat stuff wasn’t ever bad and was probably going to die down soon enough anyway.


nice call to arms, stupid.

Yup. SpaceEdge, you really fucked this one up

“Lives in your head rent free”

Nice Liz Clarke reference, stupid.

"WE DON'T GET TO POST ABOUT ❤PATRICK❤ SO BURN THE OLD SUB DOWN!!" This is the type of shit I've seen today. Patrick loves the attention and this obsession to fight so hard to post about him strokes his ego, and is the gayest thing I've ever seen on this sub, which is no easy feat.

It has less to do with him deleting posts and more to do with him blanket banning people. That shit is retarded, the whole thing is retarded, we're all retarded.

"Nothing works here..."

Kidding aside, there was nothing wrong with finally saying enough already with those stupid posts. It was pages filled with only posts about him. It was fucking stupid, and gay. Lame as the junkie mod is with his delivery he's right to just say take that shit to another sub if you love Patrick so much.

Kidding aside, there was nothing wrong with finally saying enough already with those stupid posts. nah, gotta disagree there. i honestly don't give a fuck about patrick (genuinely, i'd tell you if i did), but the whole patrick shit started here and it should end here. just outright banning people for posting about him, especially people who actually make content for the sub, is god damn ridiculous.

I never said I agree with the mass banning. In fact, this sub was doing pretty well telling fellow users their crusade was fucking boring and burying good content before the mods got involved. In less than a half hour this post by u/mcchisell got over 100 upvotes and was climbing until one of the mods removed it for no reason:

Space Edge banned Porzalin. Who has given this sub hours of content. Fuck him.

You are a faggot Cumia ballwasher and I doubt most of the people you are trying to suck up to will appreciate your history of it when they find out about it.

LOL ok. But remember I'm not the one being downvoted into oblivion here.

Oh my God NO, not downvotes!!!!

Great you’re part of the Tomlinson hivemind. You’re lucky you have a smart mod to steer the ship when needed.

It was actually enjoyable content. Way better than the day to day shitposting that normally occurs.

It really wasn’t fun looking at countless pictures of his face with some lazy title or the same screenshots of his Facebook rants over and over again. The intellectualhomosexual shit was just getting interesting and was far more intriguing for this sub than pissing off some nobody in Wisconsin and reading his Facebook and Instagram.

Porzalin got banned over it. Nice job bombing the sub and mass banning great posters because they feel differently than you.

This place hated porsalin until he was banned over this lol. I do think the excessive banning is a bit much. I actually got banned for my locked thread and then convinced the spaceman to unban me so I can’t argue with that.

Some hated him. But most loved his documentaries. Also most were pissed he got doxxed. But you can't deny he provided the sub hours of good content.

Not really he was regularly hate posted against and most everyone agreed beige>porsalin and thought his Joe rogan documentary sucked and that he’d jumped the shark a while ago. Not to mention his constant one liner approach to narration.

Dude, porzalin's documentaries are still being linked to.

This is just not true except the Tomlinson one because he’s using that to win people back.

You should be for that comment, queer

Cry me a river fuckwad.

He’s a british faggot. Fuck him in any context.

Honestly that's an argument I can't argue against.

It was the only interesting thing to happen here for months, other than Joe's lame attempt at trolling us. This place has always been at its best when it has someone to make fun of that continues to give us new content to feed on. Whether it was Anthony, Opie, Jim, Schumer, Patrick, Joe, whoever. So what if Patrick isn't in the O&A universe? He's a fucking moron that doesn't realize why people make fun of him. That's always been in the spirit of this place.

No, it really wasn't.

What was, then? Beefers? Mel Gibson posts? Pictures of black guys and saying it's Anthony? "So your mother died" posts? Let me know

All of the shit you listed fucking sucked too, and the junkie mod also sucks for being a fan of those gay jerkoff club "Beefers" posts. Like I said, tere was good content being buried very quickly because all of these dorks had to one-up each other and fill pages with, "Like OMG can you believe how fat Patrick is! LOL!"

What good content was being buried, though? I'm not saying every Patrick post was great, but the vast majority of it was better than anything we had in awhile.

How could anyone find it now? It's fuckin buried. That's the point. I would click on the "New" tab to escape the front page full of that fat faggot, and there would be maybe 1 or 2 good ones with a chance, then a shitstorm of than nobody faggot "author".

Naw dude, he's banning people for no reason now, it's fucking stupid

Never said I agree with the mass banning.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

No fuck this sub now

Oh my God NO, not downvotes!!!!

Great you’re part of the Tomlinson hivemind. You’re lucky you have a smart mod to steer the ship when needed.

You should be for that comment, queer

Porzalin got banned over it. Nice job bombing the sub and mass banning great posters because they feel differently than you.

Dude, porzalin's documentaries are still being linked to.