Is Sam dying?

81  2019-04-16 by 2UsRoadie


I hope so.

You’re not alone, pal.

We all hope so buddy. Hope you're doing well Pat.

Doing great, my friend. Thanks for asking.

Rock on pat

But he claims to be the last professional broadcaster.

Even if he was the last professional broadcaster alive after a nuclear holocaust, still wouldn’t listen to his station.

Maybe he just forgot the "e" after the "L"?

As I waited for the comments to load, I muttered to myself, “let’s hope so”. How pleased I was to see this at the top.

Wait til all that hair starts going gray. That will be quite the sight.

“Nice steel wool hair, stupid.” - r/opieandanthony 2035

The funniest shit is that he only has the beard because we made him so self conscious of his own face

He'll look like one of the guard monkeys in the Lost City of Zinj.

Except with zero upper-body strength he would be useless as a guard, those monkeys would have caved his skull in a long time ago.

would have caved his skull in a long time ago.

That would've been nice

It'll be gone long before gray has a chance to set in.

I cannot believe Vince McMahon is going to put that face on their television shows every week now. He needs to be given the Kane mask.

He runs a freak show with clowns beating themselves with steel chairs with a story line and dialog worse than a porn movie, of course he puts this talking primate on TV.

Through Hellfire and Chicken Tendies

It's some sort of Hulu show/ international feed. So Sam is going worldwide. This is why America isn't what it used to be. The Chinese wouldn't shame their nation like this.

The Chinese would have exterminated him as a child instead of giving him HGH.

He's not a face. He's a heel.

A good worker can turn hate into heat and use that. Sam is not good nor a worker. I can't wait to see everyone hate his guts more and more as days go by.

Vince is doing this as an inside joke

He looks like someone Viggo Mortensen's character encountered in The Road.

I'm convinced that Sam is at least half-Chia pet.

Not sure from which side of the family, though.

He needs to be given a gimp mask

His hairline is repugnant.

Never has a man postponed acceptance + shaving his head for this long.

Even John Travolta finally gave in, recently.

Sam is an embarrassment to all men.

His hair looks like the gross, 2-year-old shit you pick out from your vacuum cleaner filters. I'm not denying that.

But then, the natural shape of his scalp looks even worse.

I'm going to disagree with you and say that keeping his hair as a distraction from his disgusting head is probably the best option.

The full beard + shaved head combo has normalized many a gruesome monster with age, I'm thinking it could do the same for Sam.

Don't we owe it to our children to at least try?

It will eventually come out that the Sam Roberts WWE career is just an extended Make a Wish kid long run.

Dying to see Rich Vos at the NY Comedy Club on Friday April 19.

I think it's time he thinks about getting rid of the sideshow bob hair.

Just take the whole head. It’s no loss

healthy grey glow

He's not dying, he's killing everyone around him.

If he could figure out how to make his appearance physically hurt people he would without a doubt rule the world

Well then buckle up because Sam is about to be our new führer

One can only hope.

I thought thumbs up was racist signal? Fucking queer.

One could only hope

Finally looking pink and grey like the processed chicken meat he eats exclusively.

Nice statue skin stupid.

That documentary really did a number on him.

Made him grow that shitty beard lmao

Stage 10 ape cancer

Aren't we all maaaan?

Jess just told him she listens to him on the radio when she gets chimp fucked by Requis


Nice Luke Perry throbbing veins in your 5 head, stupid.

Jim Meyer is a complete and utter fucking bafoon.

This genetic failure and the elderly piss worm have the worst morning show in history. They literally have the TROLL 2 of morning shows. Jim Meyer should hire a pile of horseshit to do mornings against Howard so it's a little less obvious that Howie designed this exact scenario.

usually mixed race mutts have tanned skin.

That hair is atrocious... along with every other feature of him. Such as a disgusting matted beard

The pallor of a creature that has never eaten non-processed food.

His physical transformation over the years is like a mongoloid Jim Morrison, I hope he has a heart attack in a bathtub while playing with his dolls.

God, I hope so. They could use those forehead ridges to rebuild the Notre-Dame spire.

Maybe Space Edge is killing him the way he's killing this sub. Slowly. A death of 1000 cuts.

Like a wax figure. Looks so moist but dehydrated

Nice retired Doink face, stupid.

That would be great!

That forehead is so big parts of it are going to be used to repair the Notre Dame roof

The contrast of his hair ans his beard make 0 fuckin sense. Hes for sure a test-tube experiment between animal and human

He's Not Long For This World Rest In Piss Samuel

IIII'm ah crepe

If we pretend to believe in god and all prey at once, maybe we can collectively kill him?

He looks like he was posing for a photo on mount everest and some sort of horrific accident happened, leaving him a hideous mummified frozen corpse

We can only hope so!

Sam looks like he’s just been rescued from a deserted island and he misses his friend Wilson

Sam looks like a washed up baseball player that's one more knee injury away from retirement.

Considering he probably hasn't had a vitamin since birth?

His skull hood is ajar, that's all. It effects airflow, temperature...slam it shut Sammy Tumormuffins!

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this is what happens when you suck on the devil's dick

Looks like he died 2 weeks in a shipwreck and just got pulled up from the bottom of the ocean.

Hopefully there is a dynamite vest under that hideous cloth.

Inside or out?

Nasty ass ghoul 😂👳

He looks like when somebody fucks up growing mushrooms and the color just goes wrong.

He probably hasn’t seen a doctor in a decade.

When did he got those big creases in is head? Is this photoshopped? He really does look like a predator in a clown wig

Dr Steve brule

He deserves to be raped by a pack of Cumias.

He's universally hated now, so he never leaves the house.

Nigga look like Darth Vader without the mask on


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Well he needs both arms to give a thumbs up so yes, death is imminent


He isn't good.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what your hair and skin looks like when chicken nuggets are your sole source of protein (plus the semen cheat days)

Long Hep Q sufferer